Design a machine that includes mechanism + actuation + automation + application.

The idea

For this assignment we decided to make a machine with strong relationships with the festivities we´re going through, “easter”. So, we choose to make an “Eggbot”, a CNC machine that generates draws over the shells of the Eggs.

Video resume



We started downloading the structure files from a similar project from the web. This project has 3 sets of parts: the 3d printed, the laser cut parts and the spares:

  1. The 3d printed are basically the moving parts and some of the supports.
  2. The laser cuts are the main structure and the case for the Arduino + Shield.
  3. Spare parts, basically are screws, stepper motors, the servo, the arduino and the shield.
lasercuts parts 3dparts
Parts manufactured for Huevardo

After having all these parts, we assemble them, first the main structure and we step by step add every part to make the whole thing complete.



With all the parts assembled, we have to upload the GRBL library and the sketch to control the CNC, to the Arduino.

To do that we connect the Arduino with the Shield and then a USB cable to the pc.

To make the designs, we use a vectorial platform and export the file as .dxf.

To process those files and send them to the machine, we have to softwares: UGS (universal Gcode sender) and CNCjs.

The software transforms the vectorial file in x,y,z positions for the drawing part.

It controls the speed, angle and time for the drawing device.

electronics arduinoIDE jcuts
Process of programming

Huevardo Mode on

After all the adjustments were made, we sent the gcode to the machine and the magic began. The drawing device draws inside a ribbon everything we send.

Huevardo EggBot