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Prefab Work

Prefab Documentation

Surface Mount Soldering

We began our journey by practicing some surface mount soldering. This was a new form of soldering where you put on the pieces on a board and connect it with solder. We took a big 555 chip for suface mount soldering practice, where we soldered on a bunch of transistors, resistors, and more. I first applied solder to the pads, and used a tweezer to place the tiny components and melted the solder so it would stay on the surface.

ATTiny 412

Through this project, I was able to learn the basics of uploading a programmer to an Arduino, and using a microcontroller to set certain pins to do certian things.


I was able to use the jtag2updi tool to bring code to the ATTiny412 while using the Arduino Uno as a programmer. First, I brought in the jtag program into the Arduino IDE, and I had to set the board to Arduino, not the 412! I was setting the Arduino as a programmer, so I first uploaded the jtag code to the Arduino once I had my com port selected and my arduino connected to the computer.

Blinking The LED

Once I had jtag2updi uploaded, I opened a new folder where I would code a blinking LED. This time however, I would have to change the board to the ATTiny, because that is what is running code to the LED. I set programmer as jtag2updi, and then opened the blink example from the IDE. Using the pinout sheet for the 412, I connected pin 6 of the ATTiny to pin 6 of the Arduino, which is how it would communicate. I then connected power and ground of the Ardunio to the Attiny. I connected the LED to one of the pins, then a resistor going to ground. I would code the OUTPUT pin of the LED with the correponding pin it shows on the sheet.

void setup() {
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(2, HIGH);   
  digitalWrite(2, LOW);    

Button as an Input

My next step was to create an input button to control the LED. It was pretty simple, I just ketp the same blinking circuit but added a button that linked to another pin, which I would set as input. Here is the code for that.

pinMode(pinnumber, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(pinnumber, INPUT);

I then coded it so that if a signal from the input button is recieved(the button is being pressed) then set output pin as high(turn LED on). I used a pull down resistor so that if the button was not pressed, the power going into the button went to ground through a load.

ATTiny412 Summary

It was cool to learn about microcontrollers and learn how to sue them so they can do more rather than to just connect an LED to a resistor and turn it on. With the knowledge I had gained, I was able to do more, such as two buttons and two LEDS(just connect them to more pins and code it as such). I even included a photoresistor into an analog pin(use pinout sheet) so that if it was a certain brightness, the LED would turn on and off.


I learned the basics of using the Bantam Tools milling machine. This was a bit more complicated then the 3d printer of laser cutter to me, for there were a few more steps. I followed a workflow to figure out how to get a cut going. One mistake I made was not knowing to use metal holding piece when calibrating, which is how it knows where to position the calibration. I used differnt bits for the traces/holes and the outline.

I then soldered on a 412 along with headers, an LED, a resistor, and a capacitor. (Surface Mount Soldering)

I connected it to the Arduino Uno the same way as before, using the Arduino as a programmer. The milled circuit was the same, pin 6 to 6, ground to ground, and power to power, so I just got three wires and conencted it.

Positive Ground

The circuit used a positive ground. Vcc is connected to LED at all times, and the ATtiny controlled the other side and changed it to high or low. Because it turns on in a difference of voltage, in the code, we had to se the out put as low in order to turn the LED on.

void setup() {
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is a high-performance software with so many great tools that it would take more than a year to master all of them, such as designing, animating, creating electronics through a built in software called Eagle, CAM, and much more. It is a great software that would help me significantly in my high school engineering experience. To prepare for using this software, I followed Product Design Onlines, Fusion 360 in 30 days tutorials to familiarize with some of the tools, which helped me significantly when trying to make my own Fusion projects.

Last update: March 26, 2023