8. Electronics Design


In this electronic design, I remember in 2022 that I referenced Andrian's model but his design had 0 Ohm resistor so I redid it. Then I redesign for ATTINY 1614, ATTINY85, ESP32 Xiao C3 boards in both EasyEDA and Fusion360 over the 2 years. It was an interesting experience though I would say I am still not strong like leadaing industry experts but I am sufficient for my original intent to be able to read basic schematics, to design basic and improve basic. Also tried some udemy courses like. Vector Tools
Many Thanks to Steven for teaching how to design my final project PCB to avoid using too many 0 ohm resistors. Vector Tools

Group Assignment

Individual Assignment

Checklist for this week:

Workflow for Circuit Design in EasyEDA

The process of designing a printed circuit board.

Step Description Key Actions and Considerations
1. Project Creation
Vector Tools
I create new project in EDA for my design files. Create a new project folder within EDA's control panel to keep schematic and board layout files together.
2. Schematic Design
Vector Tools
Vector Tools
I start with the circuit schematic, which is a symbolic representation of my circuit. Next I am going to search and drag the components needed. Use the Schematic Editor to place and connect component symbols. Ensure all components are correctly connected according to my circuit design.
3. Component Selection
Vector Tools
Vector Tools
I Choose the physical components for design from EAD's libraries. Select components based on their electrical characteristics and physical footprint. Use the Library Manager to find or add new components as needed.
4. Board Layout
Vector Tools
I swtich from schematic to physical board layout. Then I slowly put all the items onto the layout and route using the method taught. Switch to the Board Editor, where EDA automatically creates a board from your schematic.
5. Design Rule Check (DRC)
Vector Tools
Vector Tools
I Ensure went to iput the Design rule chcek settngs. Run the DRC tool to check for errors like trace spacing, pad overlaps, and unconnected signals. Adjust your design to fix any issues.
6. Generating Gerber Files Vector Tools
Using the Export Function, I geneerated the Gerber file. Once design passes DRC and ERC, use the CAM processor to generate Gerber files, ie standard format for PCB fabrication.
8. Bill of Materials (BOM) Creation Vector Tools
I liek EasyEda as it allows easy Compile a list of all components required for the PCB. Generate a BOM from schematic, listing all components with their values, package types, and quantities for procurement.
9. Setting SpecificationsOrdering (Board House ordering which is group project) Vector Tools
Vector Tools
Vector Tools
Vector Tools
At EasyEda, i used the one click fabrication and selected specifications of PCB and clicked on PCB Assembly and made payment. Generate a BOM from schematic, listing all components with their values, package types, and quantities for procurement.
10. Testing PCB Vector Tools
I manually tested continuity for each pin. I Create a blink sketch in the Arduino IDE tailored for the ATtiny1614. Pin 3 is being used. You can refer to output and input devices assignment to see other programming which i did with it. Demonstrates the capability of the ATtiny1614 by executing codes.

B2. PCB Components Detailed Overview

Vector Tools
Components I used Technical Specification
SW1 (Rotary Encoder)
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converts motion of shaft into electric signal
U3 (DC Power Jack)
Vector Tools
direct current (DC) power input.
U4 (Piezoelectric Buzzer)
Vector Tools
Component generate acoustic waves at a set frequency when an alternating electrical signal is applied across its piezoelectric material.
U5 (Tactile Switch)
Vector Tools
A momentary contact switch that can be tracked by input pins..
U6 (Microcontroller Unit)
Vector Tools
My attiny1614 that controls the input and output pin.
R1, R2 (Resistors)
Vector Tools
To limit current going to led.
LED1 (Light Emitting Diode)
Vector Tools
Light up when output pin of uC is activated.
5V, GND, TX, RX (Power and Communication Lines) (5V) and ground reference (GND), with transmission (TX) and reception (RX) lines for communication.
UPDI, GND, VCC (Programming and Power Interfaces) UPDI interface for in-system programming and debugging of microcontroller units, ground (GND) and positive voltage supply (VCC) terminals .
PA6321 PA pins: 6, 3, 2, 1
C1 (Electrolytic Capacitor)
Vector Tools
A polarized capacitor with a 10µF capacitance.