Applications and Implications

illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations

In this week's assignment I should propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering some questions about my final project. So let's get started.

What will it do?

My final project's name is Bubble Machine. It will be able to do the following:

  • Basically creating air bubbles, of course. :D
  • It will be turned on and off by a switch as user input.
  • Detecting bubble solution quantity and doing an action when it needs refilling.
In the Nice to have features It will be controlled by a mobile phone using a mobile application.

Who's done what beforehand?

I found a very cool project that will help me as a refrence It was made by Fablab Kannai - Fab Academy 2021 in Machine Design week.

What will I design?

I will design mounts for the motors I will use, bubble solution issolated tank, enclosure for the whole machine, and mechanism of components movement. Also, PCB board design that will be able to control it.

What materials and components will be used? How much will they cost?
Description Price Link
3D Printing 10$
Laser Cutting + Acrylic 30$
Air Blower 3$
Motor 1.5$
ATtiny1614 MCU 0.5$ Fab Inventory
Resistors, Pin-Headers, Voltage regulator 1$ Fab Inventory
Adaptor 12V 2A 3$
Buzzer 0.1$
Where will come from?

All the SMD components that I will use in my PCBs are already in the Fab Inventory. Other mechnical components are found localy and I provided their links in previous questions.

What parts and systems will be made?

Enclosures, Mounts, Circuits.

Output Components:

  • Fan > Air blower Component
  • Motor > Turning the wheel in and out of the bubble solution
  • Buzzer > Create buzzing sound when the bubble solution's tank be empty

Input Components:

  • Switch > On/Off switch to turn the machine on and off
  • Step response > Will use it to detect the water level in the bubble solution instead of a water level sensor
  • Mobile application app as a user interface


  • Mobile application communicating with MCU via Bluetooth.
  • Setting up motor and fan speeds to generate bubbles, not to hard the bubble blow up and not to low the bubble doesn't come out.
  • Adding ste response input to make a buzzing sound and cause the motor and fan to stop

What processes will be used?

Laser-cutting, CAD, 3D-printing, electronics design and production, and embedded mcu interfacing and programming.

What questions need to be answered?

Which fan will be good enough to blow bubbles preperly?
Which motor will be slow enough to move the wheel smoothly?
How to design and fabricate the enclosure, one piece or multiple? mixing two fabrication techniques or just one?
How to design a sperate bubble solution tank and which mechanism to make it moveable?
How to sense bubble solution quantity, immersed sensor or step response?
Decisions, Decisions.

How will it be evaluated?

The project will be a success -of course- by making bubbles, not to be too many or too few. Also not for them to blow up by the fan power nor to be not generetated at all.

Also It should be controlable by user input > on/off switch

Plus, It should make a buzzing sound when the bubble solution tank is about to be empty

Finally, For the nice to have features It should communicate with the mobile phone via an application to work for only specified time ex: 5 mins, 10 mins..etc.

Implementation Plan
Time Taks
20th May till 23rd May Try different motors and fans to ensure generating bubbles
Design and fabricate base and middle part to assemble fan and motor on for trials.
24th May till 28th May Try step response input
Design and 3D print a tank to test step-response with + test leakage
Try full ciruit with adding on/off switch and buzzer
Programming and finishing the whole code
30th May till 4th June Design and 3D print fan and motor mounts
Descide a final enclosure design
Test the final design first using wood rather than acrylic
Make final edits to the design if needed
Laser cut final design using acrylic material
5th June till 9th June Assemble the project + adding electronic components
Make final presentation slide
Make final presentation video
Documenting final project page