Week 1: Principles & Practices, and
Project Management
In the first week we were taught about Principle & Practices, and Project Management where we were required to create or modify the website, push to the Fab Academy site and practicing on documenting habits.
Download suitable web template (HTML CSS, html 5, bootstrap etc.) and try to edit index.html with your personal information and photo You need to download one editor (Notepad++, atom, sublime etc.) for this.
Additionally, if possible, create new pages for assignments and project and link up with your home page (i.e., index.html)
Website Development
1. Downloaded HTML5 free web template from https://html5up.net/phantom.
I needed to change the page as I desired by deleting those which are not required and adding project and assignment dropdown.
I have deleted many other unwanted headings from side bar and added Assignment and project pages which we will require to add content later during the FabAcademy
2. In order to edit the code it requires a software and I choosed to download Sublime Text.
I choosed Sublime text out of many other editors because I used it earlier and I was more comfortable with it as it give nice visual display of messy codes highlight of tags, making us more easier to edit.
Git - Setup
Git is the most commonly used version control system. Fab Academy uses Git to keep record of the student works and their progress during the Academy session. Git let us make changes and keep all the tracks of changes made thus giving us more convinence in keeping records.
So in order to use Git, we need the following setup and clone it's reprository in our local system after installing Git Bash from https://git-scm.com/downloads.
- Open Git terminal and type this command to generate your SSH key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your Email" -b 4096
- Copy SSH key:
- Go in gitlab account and paste key in Profile Settings---> SSH key
This can be found in user profile setting. - Check if it is linked with your GitLab account:
- Configure your username and email ID :
- Now we need to Clone repository in our local system. Change directory or folder you want to save the clone using cd comments.
git clone (your clone link) - So, now in order to push to network, following comments are required:
cd 'folder name'
git pull
git config --global user.email "your@email.address"
git add --all(check size)
git commit -m"message"
git push
Issues faced:
- I really face problem with documentation. Sometimes I had to do all my procedure again just to take a screenshot in order to document.
Final Project Idea
As the country is constantly developing, number of cars on the street keeps on increasing which also increases the traffic accidents usually while pedestrian crosses the road. There should be some understanding between the road users in order to minimize the accident occurring.
Usually in my country there is no traffic signal and traffics are controlled by traffic police standing at the cross road or where people need to cross. Otherwise, traffic will get jammed for an hour or much longer. It not only consumes the human resources but also cause inconvenience while having to control manually.
There are lots of traffic lights commercially where the signal changes with specific time difference or some controlled by centralized place by traffic police or person, monitoring through camera. Some are much better which are controlled automatically by sensors making it more convenient.
Though my project may not be comparable to those produce from manufacturers, but with my simple idea, I will try to make automatic cross walk signal that can solve the local problem with the minimum cost.
Thank You
- Link HTML5 Template: https://html5up.net/phantom
- About Git and Git downloads: http://git-scm.com/
- About git: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/using-git/about-git