About me
About me
My name is Lucia Jonkhoff, I live in Haarlem, the Netherlands and I am following the fabacademy in Amsterdam at the WAAG.
My background
I have a great family with my husband Ino an two children; Anna 13 and Arend 10. At the moment there is a lockdown in the Netherlands so the whole family is working/schooling from home. I was born in the same street where I live now in the center of Haarlem.
At the moment I am a teacher at the Amsterdam university of applied Science 'Hogeschool van Amsterdam'. At the HvA I teach design subjects and project to students that study Communication and Multimedia-Design. Within our courses we also use our school-Makerslab. For the project I coach our students in their first projects with physical products. Unfortunately I am very capable to instruct them about the options and advantages of making prototypes are. But until now I am not very able to work hands on with all the machines. Due to Covid-issues I did have to work loads of extra hours in 2020 (coordinating a first-year project with 400 students that had to be altered to be a completely online design-project) I made so many hours, that actually I did not have to work this semester. That gave me the chance to do something else, and it is really joyful to do this study and having a real sabbatical. I have the feeling that I am playing around and learning all these new things, it is great.
This is the very reason for me to follow the FabAcademy, I am eager to learn about the insights and technical possibilities of the different machines and the options of combining all these cool techniques. It is a big luxury that for my work I get to do such a fun study, I'll probably use a lot of these skills at work, and at home.
I love to work in my new garden, and since the corona-lockdowns I am spending a lot of time googling and trying out different ways of regrowing and tree grafting. All is very young, but my garden is growing. So probably some of my projects will be parts for my gardening.
Sports and activities
In the summer I love to sail on my little 'volksboat' I love to play softball and like to ride on my superfast electric bike. I use it to commute between Haarlem and Amsterdam (approximately 25 km). In the vacation we like to travel around Europe in our vintage campervan.