Project Managment

Week Two.

This week assignment in Fab Academy was about introduction to fab academy and gite lab, And also publishing website using Medoc’s and markdown.

    The first goals of the this week are:

  • Work through a git tutorial.
  • Build a personal site describing you and your final project.
  • Uploaded to the class archive.
  • Document everything.

    Learning Outcomes:

  • Explore and use website development tools.
  • Identify and utilize version control protocols.
  • Spiral Development.
  • Failing as you can.
  • Make it nice.

Defining of the software & websites that I used:

Git: (version control system) To locally track changes in your project and push and pull Change from remote reposited like GitHub, Bitbaket, Gitlab.

Gitlab: Services of an open source end-to-end software that allow to host your project on a remote repo & have additional feature to help in SPLC, CI, CD in other words is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more.

Started with Gitlab

The first step to is to downloading Gitbash

Git Bash is an application for Microsoft Windows environments which provides an emulation layer for a Git command line experience.

Creating Account on git lab and creating new project:

  • I go to Gitlab and clicked on register.
  • Then I finish up my registration request.
  • I clicked on “sign in ” to enter my account.

After signing in I clicked on “My Project” to start working in my website and documentation

    I opened “New Project” by entering the requirement information such as:

  • Project Name: Mona_website.
  • Project Description: The files of FabLAB will be saved here.
  • Visible level: public.
  • Then I clicked “Create Project”.
    • My new account can be linked to the computer using Gitbash by entering the following commands:
    • Git config –globle “monabisho”
    • Git config –globle “”
    • My next step is to generate ssh keygen which is a tool for creating new authentication key pairs for SSH. The key pairs used for automating logins and authenticating hosts. In simple word I can securely connect to Gitlab without using the username and password each time I enter.

      I open Git Bash and type the following commands:

    • ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
    • I chose the folder where I want to save it:

    • I went to .ssh folder (
    • Open it using Atom or any other text editor
    • Copy the ssh key
    • Go to Gitlab to copy the SSH key (Gitlab>setting>ssh keys)
    • Paste the key there and clicked on add key.
    • Then I will receive an email to conform that ssh key has been add to my account
    • I go to “projects” then “Mona_website”then I clicked in clone button, and copy the link under clone with ssh
    • I chose desktop to locate my website folder because it is much easier to find To “cloned” any project or files on Gitlab to the PC by following the steps below:

    • Right click on the desktop and chose “gitbash here”
    • Write this command git clone following with the link I copied for cloning with ssh then enter
    • Then Mona_project folder will appear on the desktop Now we will start to push the files to Gitlab by following this steps:

    • Open Mona_project folder
    • Right click and chose “gitbash here”
    • Then entering the following commands:
    • git add
    • git commit -m “add website file”
    • git push
    • Having a look in every command definition:

    • Git add: it is for adding a change directly to the work in staging area and it must be repeated every time we make a change to the files.
    • Git commit: it is for record the change that has been made
    • Git add with git commit are used to track projects versions
    • Git push: it is for push the changes in to the local repository to the remote repository which is gitlab in our case.
    • MkDocs is a fast and simple static site maker that's can build project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and organised with a single YAML configuration file

      The different between the command mkdir and touch:

    • The command mkdir used to create directories or folders
    • The command touch creates empty files.
    • Creating My Website

      Creating my website with the knowledge I have in my previous study help me to make the assignment easier

      Hypertext mark-up language (HTML) is the standard mark-up language to design documents to be displayed in a web browser. And also, I will be using Markdown, which is a mark-up language that often used for writing messages in online discussion forums and can be used to create a plain text editor. The text can then be converted to HTML.

    • Firstly, I chose my website template by browse start bootstrap
    • I have chosen the template agency.
    • I have also downloaded Brackets; it is a kind software that allows me to make a change and edit HTML language to the website and see the changes directly.
    • I use web developer site on the internet to help me with the codes the best web developer site is

      Accessing the website in Gitlab:

    • First I copy (CI code for plain HTML websites) from this link
    • I go to the project that I want to create link for it
    • I press set up CI/CD and paste the copied code their
    • click commit changes it will take few second
    • a link will created in pages all the steps shown in figure below.
    • The below steps I did it to get a link for Accessing my Fab Academy Archive directly.

      Faced Problems:

      One of the problems that I had is to push my website files in gitlab I try to solve it by myself but I couldn’t so I ask Mr. Hashim to help me with it the problem.

      I try to git add

      I try the command of git config-1 then I got an error of not adding

      After adding user name I got it pushed


    • link1
    • link2
    • link3
    • link4
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