(24/01/2021 21:43 p.m. There are two and a half days left to start the new Fab Academy course, and I am very scared and worried. Currently, I am working full time with an Architecture studio and we are working on a rehabilitation competition that we have to send to Feubrary, 2nd. I need to share and organize my time for finish the competition and try to follow the first assignment of the course at the same time. So I decide to create a personal schedule where I define my classes, meetings and free time days to work on the final project and assignments. Here you can see marked the week that we are documenting now).
(24/01/2021 21:46 p.m.Before starting this tutorial on errors and mistakes, step by step, I have to tell you three things: First, (as I mentioned before) my time is limited and I may have to sacrifice a few hours to sleep 😭; Second, last week we had a student bootcamp with Neil and the Fab Foundation staff to introduce us about GIT, HTML, design programming, soldering, etc. and except for the last two, the first two are completely unknown to me. 😅. I only see letters, numbers and phrases without any sense to me; And the third is, Nuria, our instructor, insists that we document everything we do (successes and failures with screenshots, text notes, photos, sketches, etc), so I need to focus very well on how to tell you the story, so this tutorial will be helpful and informative).
(24/01/2021 21:58 p.m. So to facilitate better communication on this assignment and future ones, I'm going to tip out the correct process in black, failures and errorsin purple, and my internal thoughts and commentsin orange. In the different paragraphs you are going to see different jumps in time, so you can located on my common mistakes during the process.
Organizing tasks
This week we have two exercises to start the course: Principles and practices (Week 00) and Project Management. Here I check the Assesment Criteria that we have to approach to be complete the Asignment:
✓ Work through a GIT tutorial
✓ Build a personal site in the class archive
✓ Introduced yourself
✓ Sketches and first descripcions about What it will do and Who will use it our final project
✓ Documented steps inside your personal site
✓ Pushed to the class archive
✓ Signed and uploaded Student Agreement
(From this moment I have a Guns and Roses song inside on my head that says "Okay! This week is going to be very difficult, but we will work hard and with good attitude like in a rock and roll show. Welcome to the jungle! ")
Install and configurate Git and SSH- Key
(24/01/2021 22:06 p.m.) I have a macOS software and as I introduced you I have limited time. So, I decided to explore, before Neil´s class, how to install Git and follow in the steps of my instructor
Adrián in his Fab Academy year. 😍
(2/02/2021 16:47 p.m.) To clarify the narrative of this story, I am going to start with "the good process" of "How to pre-install software and Git version" on my MacBook.