Week 12: interface and application programming

individuaL aissignemts

write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made

group assignment

compare as many tool options as possible

group assignment

follow the group assignment here

individual asignment

for this week assignment i choose to develop an app for android phones where i can easely control a microcontroller and in order to trying to keep it simple enough i use MIT's app inventor 2 plattform wich is a brower based/ opensource platform where you can develop applications using javascript httpy blocky visual language to drag and drop blocks of code into a canvas and joining them to create simple applications

here i made an application for my android phone which is called hello servo and i will show how i did it.

hello_servo Tutorial

i will split this tutorial in 3 parts

    app inventor enviroment
    electric wiring
    arduino code

app inventor enviroment

first you have to google "app inventor 2" and go to the page or you can click here

if you can read this i messed up MIT app inventor 2 home page

then you have to click on the create app button on the left right next to the page icon

this will get you to a google window where you can choose your google account

if you can read this i messed up choose your google account

after some notification messages you'll be directed to the "my proyects" page here i already have some examples but i will be showing a new example.

in the right side of the page you can change the language of your preference

if you can read this i messed up my projects page

now, click on the "start new project" button and choose a name without capital letters and spaces like so

if you can read this i messed up new project name

you will be redirected to the full app inventor enviroment page

in here you can see 5 tabs (project manager, palette, viewer, components, properties from left to right)

if you can read this i messed up app inventor enviroment

from the palette you can drag a component to the viewer and it will be displayed in real time in the viewer and in the components tab like in the figure below

if you can read this i messed up placing compoonents

now, let's change it a little.

from the project manager tab (upper center) you can see all the screens you have active in the application choose the screen1 and clic on the "screen1" component on the "components" tab.

now, in the propierties tab you can see all about the screen1 component lets make it centered aligned and hide the name of the screen and change the app name to another more user friendly (this will be shown in the menu icon on the phone).

if you can read this i messed up changes on screen 1

now it's all nice and centered.

let's make some changes on the buttons usually in a phon application we will want our interactive components to be bigger beacuse we will be using our fingers rather than a mouse pointer or a stylus pen which are smaller.

we need to click either on the component tab or directly on the button icon on the viewer to show it's propierties

now let's make them more stylish lokking.

if you can read this i messed up changes on buttons 1-6

i used the same configuration for all the buttons app inventor it's really simple but if you are clever you can do really nice looking apps by importing low size images and place them instead of the default button icon for example

the same can be done for the texts because app inventor only support a few fonts but you can make your on texts on inskscape or adobe illustrator

BUUUUUUT here the catch.

each image will be added to the final apk on the phone and it will increment dramatically the size of your app and in smaller phones it will take to much to render all the images.

that's why i try to keep it simple enough.

if you can read this i messed up changes on label

anyway let's place a title for the app and compile it to see it on the phone so we can check that's what we want our app to look like.

to see our design we can go diferent ways

    via usb to our phone
    via QR code on our phone
    via emulator on the PC

i chose using the QR code on my android phone in order to do this you have to download and install the MIT AI2 companion from "goole play store" on the phone

if you can read this i messed up MIY AI2 companion on play store

once that's done open it and you can choose "scan QR code" button

if you can read this i messed up MIY AI2 companion app

now, go to the app inventor 2 enviroment and clic on ai companion under conect button

if you can read this i messed up select the AI companion option

wait until you have a QR code to scan with your phone

if you can read this i messed up scan the code with your phone

then it will load the screen you actually are on the PC enviroment and if you make changes you can see them in real time as long as your phone screen is turned on and the AI2 companion app is on screen or you have not changed anything in a while and it will atomatically disconect your phone from de app inventor enviroment

if you can read this i messed up hello servo app in real time on my phone

now if you try to press any button it will not do anything because we have only programed the look of the app.

now it's time to actually put some code on it and see if we can make it conecto to the serial comunication with and arduino, change the position on a servo and close the app

On the app inventor 2 enviroment you can go to the "block" button on the right side of the project manager tab

if you can read this i messed up block button

aparently we are inside a diferent program but what actually happened we only change to see whats actually hapening in the backgroung of the app

if you can read this i messed up block interface

we still have the project manager on the center upper side of the brower.

now we have two more tabs (blocks and viewer).

in the block section we have three basic kinds of blocks (built in, screen1, any component)

the built-in section includes basic programming operators like (control,mathematics,variables,texts,etc.). The screen1 section includes pre-configured programming operators for each component on the design enviroment (if states,call states,set states) and the any component section groups pre-configured programming operators for all the same type of components in a screen (if components,call states, whiles,etc.).

This last one meaning that if you have six buttons (like in this example) they all do the same thing.

if you can read this i messed up block interface

now lets make the buttons do something.

first we need to call all the buttons when clicked do something lets grab them from de screen1 section under each button and drop them in the viewer

if you can read this i messed up place all the button IF statements

now lets make "button 1" send data through serial comunication.

due to the covid-19 contingency i didn't have a self made board to test yet but i will use an arduino uno and a servo for the purpose of this assignment

so. Lets go back to the design enviroment and frome the palete tab select "serial" under conectivity category

if you can read this i messed up place a serial comunication component

well. Now go back to the block enviroment and you shall see the serial component under the block tab.

place a block like this anywhere on the viewer.

if you can read this i messed up call serial1 write serial data

lets drag another component from the mathematical category under built-in section and drop it any where on the viewer also.

if you can read this i messed up built in/mathematical/number

now we have all three block that we need for it to work but it does not do enything yet because they're not conected between them so the enviroment won't do anything.

for conecting them you only have to drag them close enough and when the corner change in color you release the click and a magnet will put them together in place.

if you can read this i messed up conected block

now it will send a "zero" when clicked. lets do the same through buttons 1 to 4 but instead of drag and drop each block lets duplicate the call function with the numeric digit

right click on the "call" function that acts like a parent for the numeric digit

if you can read this i messed up call function with a block glued to it

now lets do this 2 more times and conect them with buttons 1 through 4.

if you can read this i messed up all of the buttons are programmed

now let program the "CONECT" on the design enviroment which corresponds to button 5 on the block enviroment.

first call the serial to initialize on the block tab under screen1 section under serial category you'll find this block

if you can read this i messed up call serial1 initialized

Then if serial1 port is open lets set the baud rate to 9600 bps that's the standard for the arduino uno board

if you can read this i messed up if statement in the built-in section under control category

now lets use the button 6 to close the app.

if you can read this i messed up when clicked button 6 will close the app.

finally in order to get this assignment i have done the arduino code so i will change the values on the digits to correspond to the code on the arduino.

if you can read this i messed up digits correspond to the ones on the arduino code

electric wiring

bill of materials

if you can read this i messed up Futaba servo S3003 if you can read this i messed up Arduino uno board if you can read this i messed up male micro usb to female usb cable if you can read this i messed up male usb to standard device usb cable if you can read this i messed up male to male jumper wires

so. just have to hook up the usb cables from the phone to the arduino and the wires of the servo to the arduino

servo motors only have three wires (VCC, GND and signal)

if you can read this i messed up wiring to the servo

now the layout should look like this

if you can read this i messed up wiring layout

now it's time to write some code on the arduino IDE and send it to te computer

arduino code

open the arduino IDE on your desktop machine and hookup the arduino uno board to PC in order to upload the code

if you can read this i messed up arduino code

after compiling it and uploading it to the arduino board you should get a message like "uploades" from the IDE

if you can read this i messed up uploaded message on IDE

From here you can download the code i just described above

e posse e mobi

now we are ready to test if the app works.

go back to the app inventor page.

make click on the AI companion option under conect again

if you can read this i messed up AI companion

open the app on the phone, scan de QR code and conect de arduino to the phone.

lets see what happen.

here i tested the app

now we can sell it

just kidding but now we want to make a stand alone version that doesnt require the conection to the app inventor page and can launch on our phones as a standalone app

you can take to paths to do this.

generate a QR code on the app inventor platform to launch de .apk (equivalent to .exe on pc) and install it on your phone

Or generate the .apk file on the hardrive of your pc and manually install it on your phone

i chose to generate the .apk file on my pc so i can share it here

once this file is generated in the hard drive drop it into the the phone micro sd card and launch it (you will have permission to launch third party developers applications this may vary on each phone)

lets test the final result

here i tested from a standalone app


here is a video on using app inventor that helped me a lot

here is a video on using serial comm on arduino that helped me a lot

here is the video testing from app inventor on my youtube site

here is the video testing the standalone app on my youtube site

Update 06/07/21

Group assignment

Here you can check the group assigment on this week.