Week 2: Project Management
1. HTML - HyperText Markup Language
2. HTML5 - Latest evolution
3. CSS - Cascading Style Sheet
4. W3C - World Wide Web Consortium
Text Editors
TextEdit - It's on my mac very simple, free
Sublime Text - Colorful, easy customizing
Atom - Open source editor developed by the founder of GitHub
Dreamweaver - Adobe software, coding and designing
Research: try using each to find out best fit
1. TextEdit
I started out with using TextEdit on my macbook. Initially, it was fine, until the website was built up that it was becoming too confusing because it is just one color and it is hard to figure our which command is connected to which.
2. Sublime Text
It is colorful, easy to navigate, with functions like split editing, command palette and command find fuction. My favorite thing about Sublime Text is auto finish command. The paid version has much more functions but I am happy with the free download.
3. Atom
I found this after I had established most of my website on Sublime. it is quite visually easy like Sublime and has similar good functions like it, and more. The project folder interface, as well as connection to Git, GitHub should be useful in the future. I haven't explored this software thoroughly, but some of the things that I need to find is the auto comman finish, and text wrap
4. Dreamweaver
I just tried using Dreamweaver with the site that I had already coded through html. It was nice that I could see the relations of the code to visual, but it wasn't as smooth or accurate (i.e font, img). It might have worked better if I had started out with Dreamweaver.
Making your Website
I started out using TextEdit because that was all I knew... then I quickly moved on to Sublime.
I had built a website using HTML before, but I needed a refresher, so I went on the Web to learn more. From my Instructor's Fab Academy website, I found that he had learned from W3school. So I checked it out and found... EVERYTHIING!
One great thing about W3schools is that in each Section, you get an example of commands that you can actually try yourself, copy and apply.
@ I found a template, copied some of the commands that I found useful from that and built on from there. Consequently, my webpage is a hybrid.
@ Make sure your folders and files are organized
@ Building a good "style" section is extremely useful in making your command strings simple, especially if you are making a webpage that require many pages that has similar contents
You can see that using the "style" preset command in the red box is much shorter than writing out the entire "W3" command like the teal boxes. (for some I used W3 for some of the layouts)
Learning Git
Git is a distributed version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.
I watched many classes about version control. It was helpful about understanding how it came to. But I had to try it out to get the hang of the commands and gitlab.
The first step to using Git for me was to get Git on my Computer.
Here are the Git commands that you and I will use alot.
Command | Git task |
git init | Create a new local repository |
git clone/path/to/repository | Create a working copy of a local repository |
git clone username@host:/path/to/repository | Clone for remote server |
git status | list the files you've changed and those you still need to add or commit. |
git add . | add files to staging(index) |
git commit -m "commit message" | Commit changes to head (but not yet to the remote repository) |
git pull | Get files from the master branch of your remote repository |
git push | Send changes to the master branch of your remote repository |