This assigment has 2 steps:
I decided to implement the RGB LED that is controlled by Attiny 45, and the DISPLAY LCD that is controlled by Attiny 44 to be able to understand the diagrams and the program code.The next step is to make some modifications to the program to achieve visible changes. |
RGB LEDThese are the assembling diagrams of circuit board. You can see that It doesnīt have a resonator, a voltage regulator, and ISP conection, and it uses 3 output to control the led. hello.RGB.45.cad board components |
LCD DISPLAYIn this case the circuit has a 20MHz resonator, a voltage regulator, and ISP conection, the display must be conected to J3. hello.LCD.44.cad board components
Here the RGB circuit is working with and internal 8 MHZ timer. | This circuit has a 20MHz resonator and itīs necesary to configure the board in arduino software before downloading the code. | ||||
In this assignment i have used the ISP Tiny we implemented in the 4th week "electronic production" . Here the file |
Yoy can see some videos as evidence. |
STAGE TWO: Sunlight sensor For this assignment we have a solar panel and I can control it on one AXIS. So I need to implement a sunligth sensor with one axis with Attiny 45. Online there are many applications about this topic. I found a particular website with Attiny 13 applications. Have seen the Attiny 13 and 45 configurations, and the pin configurations are exactly the same, and the 45 has better performance. Files here: sunlight sensor |
At the begining I tested the circuit board as you can see in the video |
I tested the panel and obtained 18V and it is possible to move the motor
directly. The DC motor needs 2A at the begining and my problem is I donīt
have the necessary components for output power. |
In the following video I tested the system with a little DC motor and the program worked correctly. |
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