Project management

Starting with html

It was very difficult, I had some trobouls in the start but I had an angel that helpt me to start. I got to know Brackets, that is a brilliant program and make the html coding easyer.

My notes:

Making a web site

1. Opening a tuturial on the internet

2. Opening the programmers notepad

3. Reading and understanding the content og the turturial

- head = Name on the file

- Body = The hole content of the page

- Navbar = Navigationbar is the links ti site no2, 3 and exectra

- Body color = The background color on the webpage

- Font = text style

- Font color = The color on the text

- Navbar = Is where the link for the other sites are

- Position navbar = Where I want to have it (the link) on the site

To style the links

- List style type: none = No dots in front of the text

- Navbar li = Navigationbar listing

- Navbar a = Hyperlink

- a: link = For all the links on page

- a: visited = Change the color, so you can se what page you have visited

link rel = "stylesheet" href = "style". css meen that google have to go and pick up the colors befor showing the site

Made a new folder to save all the colors for the site so that the main folder is simple and clean

Save the other file.css because = Style is the only exeptions

Style type = "text/css" > this tells google to pick up the .css file

The web page is working now!

Jeij ;)

Pulling and Pushing

My notes:

Copy the site to the archive

Pulling the new history

Update to tip

Confirm update


Working file (near my name)

Add the new file

Make sure that everything is selected

Commit the change of new file

Write what the opdate is about in parent window

Push outgoing changes to: