Electronics production

The assignment

make the FabISP in-circuit programmer

Vi learnd how the mashine worked and the diffrent between the milling pins. This is a big step for me, because I have been afrait of mashines that make a loud noise. But I managed to cut out my plate, change the pins and it went very well.


Making a plate

Press input - then image, choose the file you are goin to cut out.

then press output format - then choose the milling mashine and vi have a Roland Mill (.rml) and the last press Prosess and choose PBC traces (1/64) The number is the size of the milling pin.

Press calculate then the picture changes.

Then you have to make the mashine ready

Find plate that you are going to cut out, put a tape on the botton so the plate will stay at its place. Parker the plate on the mashine.

If you dont have the right milling pin, you will have to change it.

Then you press View botton on the mashine and it will move to place.

Press Down on the mashine, and the milling pin will go downwards. In the program you shout change the x and y numbers so the milling will start at the right place.

Then you need to loosen the milling pin and make it stand on the plate, then fasten it again. Then its rady for cutting.

Then on the computer press Calculate button and then Send button. Then the mashine strarts to cut.

When its done then you have to change the milling pin to the bigger one, on the computer, you will do the same and find the outer picture that will let the milling mashine cut out your plate. The prosess is the same, but the only thing that is not the same is the milling pin - so that is important.

When done pick up the plate and clean the mashine.


Finding all that we was suppose to use for the plate was litlebit confusing, all these numbers was not making any sens. But the list was like this.

J2 USB, R1 1K, D1 3.3v, D2 3.3v, R2 499, R3 100, R4 100, SJ2, C2 10PF, 20 MHZ, C3 10PF, IC1 t44, SJ1, J1 ISP, C1 1UF, R5 10K.

Then you have to clean the plate, taking off every pice of copper you dont want on the plate, because it can interrupt the flow of electrisity.

Then the souldering starts, you need for that a heeting pin, soulder wire, pinsit and light.

Following the picture of the plate make it easyer to know where to put the pieces on the right spot.

PIC of the picture :P