link: grasshopper 3d - anemone
link: led calculator
link: shopbot

design files

For this week I decided to explore once again and a little bit deeper looping systems but this time applied to furniture design.
A very simple modular element is design to generate this aggretated system.
It has a triangular shape and present two perpendicular cuts on two sides.
The script is a little bit tricky since it's logic is to avoid overlapping between elements while the system grows.
To controll the horizontality of the structure again I had to use a bit of logic about the rule of mirroring of each element.
Since done in grasshopper all the system is parametric. That means that is a flexible design that can conform to dirrentes sizes of material and by controlling the repetition rule also to differents classes of objects.

step 01 - eagle
selecting the components

step 03 - milling
creating the board

step 04 - milling
completed board

step 05 - board
final board

step 05 - board
final board

step 05 - board
final board