who do you gonna call?
This video showcase our master ninja Ferdinand using a kinect for windows to scan Délio, special thanks to FabLab Lisboa for letting us use their kinect, and for Rishi Vadher for the shortest path to a good scan, he recomended using windows kinect developer toolkit software, for this kind of scan, the kinect fusion explorer WPF worked realy well.
This time we went on the weekend to Luís workplace, and they let us use their artek scaner for this assignment, i had a bad time geting the references needed to make a good scan, the scaner like stuff aroud the object to get the triangulations better, don't just scan the object, scan at least another tree more objects in order to ease the process of changing prespective, else, the scan will get angry and buzz a lot. The malaquias scan was almost entirely done by Luís, spoonfeeding me, i found the post-processor software very powerfull, it let you scan different parts and patch it later! The mesh quality is awesome!
It's me again, Délio made my scan, i made his, this time we used the asus xtion on 3Dspot. Thanks again Luís.
3d printing
For this week assignment, the goal is to print something that can't be (easily) made by a subtract process, since I was working on irregular geometries to find volumetric relations, i made a lot of Voronoi cells in grasshopper, and then chose the nicest one, after making my choice, i wonder if it will be viable if i just 3d print only the join nodes and then assemble clear acrylic tubes on them. I've been playing around with grasshopper and t-splines, this was a perfect time to join this two to make some organic shapes.
To prepare my wireframe for t-splines, i needed to find the anhcor points of the curve, to get a pseudo circle of 5+1.6 mm, the size of acrylic tubes plus two layer of abs contouring the joint, then on grasshopper, i simply grab the edge as a normal do the circle, then extrude, cap and trim.
this worked very well for nodes with exactly three wires, i even flat them a litle to save precious "Dimension" ABS
for nodes with more than 3 wires, or with wires too close together, I've modeled in t-splines, in order to get these organic shapes.

the pieces take less than 6 hours to print, and i wanted to fill all the weekend, and for fun, I used the fractal cube, these are print screens and render just to get more comfortable with the concept

and in order to get more interesting, i've pulled an ear (vertice) in mudbox, just to see how the file will came out on a watertight model, and if the printer has the definition.

this is a 1mm endmill, just to fucus on the defenition of the printer, note that 4th recursion was clearly visible.

i've also made two sardines to compete for the the Lisbon city holliday party. None of them was printed, maybe next year.