For this week assignment i had to make my personal page and sketch a potential semester project.
Think-it, map-it, file-it
Maping thougths and concepts is always easier to handle when you can organise them in a visual context, i found mindmaping tools handy for (almost) every challenge i take, this android tablet with thinking space is my personal cargoculting machine.
The thinking space (the app i used was discontinued, mindjet bought and replace-it) i've paid aroud 2 € for this piece of software and it was well worth the money, the gesture feature is amazing, slide to right to add new sibling, slide to left for a sister sibling.
One can export to a .mm (mindmap) file, and tweak it later on a computer software like xmind or freemind, i usualy use the second one because it's multiplatform opensource and i can export to very handy files like .png, .svg, .html or even javascript based maps. (my page is still in a beta experience for this)
Do once, tweak twice
so why not build my personal page in dthis kind of structure?
My personal page method consist on making a rough map on a android aplication, export the .mm file to open on the freemind software where i can tune visuals and export .svg graphics.
The feature is an issue
The rich text format tags that make beautiful maps actualy go to the .html making horrible code, for this, i just search all the nasty tags and replace them with a nice'n easy single line of code defining the whole div block.
adobe proto
This app saved me a lot of work! Sadly adobe discontinued it, but i can still work with it and have suport for the creative cloud since i've paid around 8€ for it two years ago.
I'm interested in doing some household control with networking capacities, in particular the PoE protocol, because it sounds very cheap to implement and maybe that can be a reuse of UTP cables spread along our houses, and fablabs! In my head, this project can fit on a box with a size similar to a book, and if I can make it look and feel new and different (image reference), i will try the dome-shaped polyedras