Principals and Practices
Discussing the initial thoughts and sketches for my final project
Discussing the initial thoughts and sketches for my final project
Creating this Project Manager in HTML5 and CSS
Learning to use various CAD softwares
Using Vinyl and Laser Cutter
Milled, soldered, and programmed a FAB Tiny ISP
3D Scanning an Object and Designing and Printing an Object that cannot be made Subtractively
Designing and Milling a PCB Board
Intro to CNC Milling and Making Something Big
Coding Various Families of Microcontrollers
Group Project...
Making a small video game
Designing and making a mould to then cast with chocolate
Fun with LCD and Speaker
Boards Communicating Over Serial
Connected I2C Devices with a Cool Interface
Using the Tormach Mill
Answering Final Project Questions
Determining Marketing and Intellectual Property
Final Project Planning
It's DONE!