Mechanical and Machine Design

My Contributions
For the group project I ended up staying up all night till 7 am (despite remembering a clear promise before hand that I would not end up doing so) which I feel should just summarize my commitment and contribution to the the project. Though to be more specefic I set up the rasberry pi, helped design and figure out the board for the transistors, I wired everything up then unwired the entirety of the project since it was backwards then rewired it again, helped program the neopixels, programmed the python code for running the pumps and solonoids, set up the front end on the rasberry pi and got it working, and other stuff I genuinely forgot I spent the whole time jumping around helping all the groups out. I did the original code for the neopixels and got them working then letting the rest of the group fine tune the colors to what they wanted. I designed the layout for the transistors, wired the pumps, wrote the code to control everyhting the link the UI to the pump and valve in python. Also designed the tubing layout.

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