Finals Week



Group Project

This week's group assignment was to compare a bunch of interface building tools.

Thing Milling

This is a diagram that I found on Emma Yount's page and she found it on Youngsik Kim's page personally I mostlt spent time trying to use Tkinter as a library in python, and reading about how to do stuff in visual studio code, but not actually doing any of it. I did give an honest shot to getting Tkinter to work however I've found out that due to an issue with my laptop I can't really get python to work, and since python can't work I wasn't able to get a working GUI during the group project.

Individual Assignment

The individual assignment actually went really well for me because I had a working board yay! The board that I did end up using was the thermisor board that I had designed for my input devices week. Since I talked about the work to design the board in that section I'm really just going to talk about the Tkinter code to make a UI for it.

So basically what my UI does is just display the updating code as it changes, I would have it do something on the board becuase that would be pretty slick however I do not have a board that actually has an LED on it so I'm just going to be displaying the info.

Thing Milling Thing Milling Thing Milling Thing Milling

Info On Board

Hi if you'd like to read more about this board then you can go and look here.

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