Final project presentation page

Finally we have a final project, where everything comes together. designing, solve a real problem, electronics, coding, producing and presenting.

My worms

On my balcony I have a Worm-bin, where my worms eat my vegetable-clippings and turn that into great compost. Most of the time, my worms are a happy bunch of creatures. But sometimes the environment in the bin is not good for them. If the compost is too wet and there is too much fresh veggies an anaerobe situation is created and anaerobe bacteria will take over. they make the compost sour, the air toxic and the worms are unhappy. If nothing is done in time the worms will die. To prevent this massacre I made the worm-mood-station. It will measure the moisture of the compost and the airquality. With this it is able to show the mood of the worms and it helps me take care of them, before something bad happens.

the presentation slide

the presentation video