7. Electronics design.

Ok, so I am a complete beginner with Electronics design. I will try to get as much information resources as posible. I may won’t be able to study all of them in for the current week but I will keep them.

Interersting links:

Listed book:

A basic knowledge guide for me, would contain the following topics.

Image found at Sparkfun

7.1 Group assignment.

Instead of observing the operation of a microcontroller circuit board, we decided to have a talk about EAGLE driven by our instructor. Since two of our classmates have a background as engineers they could help us introducing the software’s interface.

I found it quite usefull.

7.2 Individual assignment.

To redraw the hello-world board I look for the reference files to work with or replicate. Ok, just look for the tutorial and try to follow it. Let’s be creative.

I manage to get the schematic drawing for the board. I read that I should keep both windows opened I feel like I don’t know what I am doing.. but keep working, I am learning by doing.

I think I should load the fab library that we were talked about before doing anything else. Found the library link here and manage to copy to notepad and save it as .lbr as UTF-8.

7.2.1 hello-world board redraw.

With the software installed, the library and the schematic loaded, I am ready to start redrawing the board.

First of all I am trying to indentify the parts I already have on the Hello Echo Board.

Once checked, keep on adding the rest of the components to the schematic.




7.2.2 Operating simulation and renderization.

7.2.3 hello-world board prduction.

7.2.3 hello-world board test.