Final Project

What tasks have been completed and whats tasks remain?

Most of the tasks have been completed, only the documentation remains. The Yggie guitar is able to generate sound of standard guitar tuning, through capacitive strings.

It does so, through interfacing with software.

The tasks that now reamin are testing it with other capacitive materials, such as Cu Paint, Active Carbon paint and other conductive materials i.e conductive fabrics.

THe testing of the project with children and the physically challenged.

What has worked? What hasn't?

Most of the tasks the Yggie needs to do at this stage have worked. The focus now is to build from this stage into a real instrument that is played with capacitive touch.

What questions need to be respolved?

Will the Yggie be useful for the physically challenged?

Will it really be affordable, considering the fluctutions of exchange rates. We have our local materials, but how many of the components will we have to import?

What will happen when?

The testing of the prototype Yggie, will commence first with able children in the coming months and mabe in parallel or after with the children from In De Ruimte.

Regarding the Feedback improvements will be made.

What have you learned?

The things the fabacademy has taught me are very valuable, not only for me but for an entire generation and the next.

To be able to fabricate on such a scale, gives oppertunities, previously out of reach, to the consumer. To have the potential to solve issues which, governments and corparations, previously had difficulty to tackle can now be done by the community and their networks.

The learning of Programming in multiple languages, the workflow oi fabrication and the considerations that go with it and lest not forget the social aspect, is indeed wonderful and full of potential.