Below you can see my final project poster just to showcase/understand what raster does..
This is poster designed in gimp for one of my final project ideas "Kinetic Display". I have just merged 3 different pictures and posted them together to design this. As my final project idea - i am to design a kinetic display of 12 RGB units alligned in a row that will create some eye catching effect.
Here, first i imported the background image and then two of the logos one for fab lab and the other for my univerity sukkur IBA. In gimp what happens is that we work on layers so we need to amnipulated that property to do anything. Hence what so ever you do ther is layer created for it and you need to work on that layer and than merge it to rest of you work. Like i deleted background of the logos by going to tools> select by color - and selected say white color so it just separted my white image pasted here from its black backgound. I moved both of them to corners by dragging them and inserted some text - Tan Tara -> My poster in gimp is ready.
Now paint's turn. Belive me paint is very easy and very good when it comes to designing basic and descent things. Like i did my poster in paint for an other project idea of mine, that is "Levitaing Seven Segment Display". Here i just imported my project model i had designed in inkscape as an image to paint aligned and other image of available levitaing water pasted some text and this is it!
In paint i imported my final project model designed in inkscape by simply opening it with paint - then i open an other image and meged it with my model by cropping and than pasting it model using snipping tool. The only thing remaing is text. Just headlined the whole thing and bordered it using black bordered recatongle of some height and width - so here you see my poster in paint.
Next we see how pixels are distorted(by zooming in..) in both of the images.
Vector: Vector is another kind of 2d designs. In vector designs what happens is that they dont lose information because they dont work in pixels. They use vectors/lines to draw and design pictures and other models. For vector designs we have various softwares available to explore like inkscape, illustrator and many more. I used only inkscape becuase of its verstailty and ease in designing anything. Inkscape is avery powerful software when it comes to vector designs. I loved it precisely for its easy in designing anything - but for this week i only have two things to display and that are both of my final projct models. For this i just designed these two models for both of my project so that everybody out there can undertand about my project - i mean how they will work, what is needed, how will i be doing it???
I have just used basic structures like circles and rectangles to design these vector models of my final project using inkscape.
For kinetic Display i have this design this model just to illustarte the RGB effect i am going to add.
For Levitaing Seven Segment display as mentioned in this model i will be using strobe lights to create that effect of static water drops. white dots are water drops here where is those white areas are the offsets where strobe lights will be installed.
3d designs: In 3d design there are many softwares that can be used to model and design 3d structures. 3d softwares like solidworks, freecad etc are very generalized tools/softwares. Solidworks is a paid one yet very powerful whereas freecad is free software but not as powerful as solidworks - obviously you pay for the best!
There are two kinds of 3d design. Parametric and non parametric.
Non-Parametric 3d designs: This is a very simple kind of 3d designs in which you just need to take some shape specify the dimentions and you have your sketch ready. These kinds of designs can't relate to real world behaviour. Hence whenever there is a problem with real world dimension you will have to redesign whole thing again - just to fix that particular parameter problem in real world. For this part i have made these designs that would somehow will be used in both of my final project ideas. I worked out these models for both of the ideas so that what so ever i make i have something in relavance.
I started simply with solidworks and made this sphere. By making a semi circle and then draging the extrude around. There are many videos on youtube for your referance.
Next i have designd this head for kinetic display(as for my case) as an assignment which has one row of 12 RGB units. There is some stand and other things still to be designd for motor, power supply and sensors but nevertheless i have just designed basic structure here.
Below is the design for another project idea of mine. I have designed this following structure for levitating seven segment display.
I then continued practicing 3d designs with this
video on youtube for Fusion 360 and made one of the seven wonders in the wrold, Taj Mahal.
Parametric 3d designs: Parametric designs are the designs that have parameters with real world behaviour. Say we have designed something on some sheet with t thickness to it, so if that sheet of particular thickness is not available or you need to change the thickness of you base hence you will have to redesign everything if it's a non-parametric design. But if you have a parametric design, it won't have any issues with real world parameters to change for any reason. For a parametric design you will have your parameters defined already and if there is anything to change anyway in real world you just need to change that particular parameter and whole design will adjust accordingly.
I strted with soildworks and drew a parametric square as following..
FreeCAD is the ultimate parametric 3d software. Here all these spheres, squares, and other shapes have their parametrs defined separetely.
Below you can see different plans in freeCAD.
Here we see this 2d sketch in this 3d parametric tool.
Please see through these very simple parametric 3d designs.
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Copyright © 2019 Azmat Hussain