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13. Applications and implications

What will it do?

Dragon Robot is a gesture controlled robot using an accelorometer to detect the movements & Attiny44 microcontroller. I wanted to make a dragon robot because I am intrested in robotics & I like dragons. It can be used to encourage others to learn more about robotics.

More details in Final project page .

Who’s done what beforehand?

Most of what I found were wheels or vehicles controlled by hand movement like this projet1 and project2. What i am planning to do is use the existing resources avialable to makr my dragon using an Attiny44 microcontroller.

What will you design?

The dragon & the controller.

I used 3D builder to design the dragon body & used Pepakura to convert it to 2D. Then, I used laser cutter to cut the paper & putted layers of resin on assembled parts. I made some modifications to the head part to make the controller case. I used Inkscape to design the acrylic base & laser cut it.


I have used Eagle design program to design circuits with Attiny microcontroller for controller & dragon. Also, I used two HC-05 Bluetooth modules for communication, accelerometer & DC motor driver with two DC motors.

What materials and components will be used?

The dragon will need a bluetooth module, wheels, motors, microcontroller & it’s body.

The controller will need a bluetooth module, accelorometer, microcontroller & packaging.

I am still not sure about the material to construct the dragon body & packaging of the controller because I am still not sure about the design.

Where will come from?

Most probably, I will need to make dragon body & circuit base + controller case & circuit using the materials we have in the lab. Most of the following components I will need to buy from a local store or order them online:

2 bluetooth modules, wheels, motors, accelorometer & Attiny44 microcontroller.

How much will they cost?

In general these will be the main parts that I will be using & their approximate price

Qty part name Total Price “$” ‘BHD’ Description
1 ATmega328p-aur “2” ‘0.75’ Microcontroller
2 Crystal 16mhz “0.6” ‘0.2’ Timer
4 Capacitor “0.2” ‘0.075’ 18pF smd for the Crystal “Crystal 16mhz recomended capacitors”
2 Resistor “1” ‘0.38’ per 20pcs 10k ohm for the RST “reset port”
2 LED “2” ‘0.75 per 25pcs Indicator
2 Resistor “1.2” ‘0.45’ 500 ohm for the LEDs
1 2x3 Pin Header “1.5” ‘0.54’ per 10pcs AVR ISP SMD
1 1x6 Pin Header “1.5” ‘0.54’ per 10pcs Programming pins “FTDI-SMD-HEADERS”
1 1x8 Pin Header “1.5” ‘0.54’ per 10pcs Accelerometer board male pins
2 1x4 Pin Header “0.67” ‘0.25’ per 10pcs bluetooth pins
1 PCB Circuit Board “1.4” ‘0.53’
1 1x8 Pin Header “1.5” ‘0.54’ per 10pcs Accelerometer board female pins
1 gy-521 “1.5” ‘0.54’ Accelerometer board
1 HC-05 Bluetooth module “11” ‘4.15’ Master Bluetooth module
1 HC-06 Bluetooth module “9” ‘3.39’ Slave Bluetooth module
1 4 Wheels with 4 DC Motor “16” ‘6.3’

What parts and systems will be made?

Dragon body & circuit milling + controller case & circuit. Some electronics parts will be designed and produced by me like the main dragon circuit & controller circuit. Also, I will make the dragon body & controller case.

What processes will be used?

  • Electronic design & production
  • Programming & networking between both circuits
  • Input devices (accelorometer)
  • Output devices (motors)
  • Computer aided design (dragon & case design)
  • 3D design
  • Molding & casting
  • Laser cutting

What questions need to be answered?

The movement mechanism & design & programming & networking & if there will be addtional feature & power supply (batteries, solar panel or …) .

I am still not sure how I should design it. Should I use my previous dragon design & add wheels to it

3d 16 3d 18

or should I use laser cutter to make something similar to this wooden dragon

or should I use another way similar to one of these?

consept 1 consept 2 consept 3 consept 4

How will it be evaluated?

It will be successful when I can control the movement of the dragon based on hand/controller movement


I tried to work on my project using the weekly assignments. This way, it was easier to complete the project on time.

In previous weeks I was able to design the controller circuit in input week. I was able to do Bluetooth communication between 2 circuits. Made the wings mold in molding & casting week.

I made a new dragon design for wild card week & to use it for the final project. Made some modification to output week circuit to make the dragon circuit. Designed a base for the dragon & laer cut it. Then, made some modifications to the base design.

I combined & modified the codes I used in previous weeks like input week & networking week & this website for DC motor control.