Seonghee Kim
5. Electronics Production

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-group assignment

characterize the specifications of your PCB production process

-individual assignment

make an in-circuit programmer by milling the PCB

Hardware and Softwares used

-Fab modules
-Atmel GNU toolchain

-Roland's SRM-20


This week's assignment is totally new world for me. I never heard of ISP, never see those tiny litte SMDs, and evne never think of I would do soldering in my life! But I found out It is not that bad. I learn about nmils, Roland's SRM-20, SMD, datasheet.


My referances of FabISP is Brain's ATtiny45. I only had to know sevral menus to cut the vinly sheet. It has very simple interface. But to find a right value, I had to try many times.

-download Brian's the PNG files
Outline Cutout(1000dpi)

Fab Modules

I made .rml file from
-Select images I download form Brian's ATtiny45 page, and choose Roland's mill.
-1/64 nmil is for trace.
-machine SRM-20, Speed 4, X0=0, Y0=0, Z0=0, zjog=10, number of offset=-1
- number of offset=-1 : it takes awas all the black colored area.

-select 'calculate', and 'save' to get '.rml' file

-1/32 nmil, speed=0.5, number of offset=1
-other options are same with trace

VPanel for SRM-20

-when I changed the end mill, hold the collet with thumb and second fingers and using 3th(or 4th) finger hold the shaft of end mill so not to drop while I screw off the collet.
-milling with Roland SRM-20.
-When milling done, take it off from the cnc machine with flat head screw driver.


Because soldering is first time to me, I watched videos about soldeing before doing it.
- ipchandsoldering (with Korean translation)
- Collin's Lab - Surface Mount Soldering

-because every SMDs are very small, attach everything on one paper.

-I drew simple drawing next to PCB.
-soldering center to side, small to big.
-attatch one leg first to find it's place. and after put SMD in right place, solder other legs.

-This is my first Sodering work!

-I made a cable for programming.

Install Softwares for windows10

referances here
-download Atmel GNU toolchain
-download GNUmake
-download avrdude, and copy the files to c:/Program files

Update your path

-Advanced setting at windows10, click Windows logo key + R, and type sysdm.cpl

-Click advanced>Environment Variables

-Select path>Edit

-Add 3 values:

Install my programmer at windows10

-download Zadig

-Plugged the programmer with my FabISP.
-Select options> liste all devices

-Press install!

-Turn Red and Green LED at the same time!! Somethings wrong.

-I did soldering again. 499resister, capacity, red, green LED. Finally I got the right LED on!

Sanity Check

-type command at git bash in order.
make -v
avr-gcc --version
avrdude -c usbtiny -p t45

-I could not find usatiny device, so I did zadig again.

I failed to program my FabISP this week, but I kept trying so I did it on week 7. Click this link to see how I solved it.



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Date: 2018-02-21
Author: Seong Hee Kim @ Fablab Seoul