Seonghee Kim | |
3.Computer-Aided Design | |
model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final project, and post it.
Hardware and Softwares used
-Fusion 360
I have a very basic skill on 3D software. I have an experience on 123D and Fusion360.
For this week assignment, I tried to use which I am not familiar with. So I spend more time to study diffrent types of 3D software such as Autocad, Zbrush, and Fusion360.
For 2D software, because I am familiar to illustrator and photoshop, I study on free software GIMP and Inkscape.
2D Software
GIMP is free raster graphic editor. I've never heard of it before. After using it, I found out that this is like light version of Photoshop. GIMP is free software and good for image control.
I made a GIF animation
to show the progress images of assignment but it was hard to conrol play and speed. I wanted to play whenever I clicked it, instead infinitly looping, but it plays only once and fails to play again.
click here to see the GIF animaiton
Inkscape is like light version of illustrator. It is free. Using Inkscape, I changed raster image to vector image and export to dxf file. It is useful to scan one's drawing and make it to dxf file. I will import this dxf file later for fusion 360.
click here to download the svg file
3D Software
I have heard about CAD lots of times though since I am not fond of numbers, I never tried to use it. However to use machines for making, sketch using precise number is convinient way. First time was hard to draw lines and confused the start point. But as it goes it becomes esay. It is somewhat esier than I thought becuse the way is similay to Fusion 360 sketch.
click here to download the dwg file
To install Autocad 3year trial, click here.
I have never used Zbrush before. Totally new and very typical interface it has. It reminds me Painter, 2D software which is very typical interface and result work. Zbrush is very fun to do. I want to study more later.
To install Zbrush 45days trial, click here.
Fusion 360
Fusion 360 was easier to make 3d bodies than Autocad. More sketch is similar to 2D vector software and creat 3D from sketch is more intuitive and easier than AutoCAD. I made an automata box with fusion360.![](../images/week3/fusion1.jpg)
-GIMP:click here to see the GIF animaiton-Inkscape: click here to download the svg file
-AutoCad: click here to download the dwg file
-zbrush: click here to download the ztl file
-Fusion 360 :click here to download stl file
-GIMP GIF animation(Korean version)
Since I studied visual design, 2D softwares are easy to guess the way to do. But 3D softwares are takes time and everyting is hard and new. Specially it requires precise numbers and does not allow any mistakes. However it was fun to trip new world of software.
Date: 2018-02-02 Author: Seong Hee Kim @ Fablab Seoul