What is the deadline? How much time do I have?
 It's June 2nd...
 9 Days left until cut-off.
 2.-3.6 mechanical assembly & documentation
 4.-6.6 programming & documentation
 7.-10.6 evaluation, testing & tweaking
 11.6 Documentation deadline
 18.6 Final Project presentation
That's a really short period. It's June 9th now. There is not that much time left.
To be honest, the time management technique at the moment is: 'Get things done!'
Don't waste time with non-relevant stuff and focus on the remaining tasks to finish them in the remaining time.
I'm a bit late on my timetable at the moment. I still haven't completed my software until now and I'm writing the mechanical documentation in the other tab.
What tasks need to be completed?
 Programming the board - finished!
 Design and print the enclosure - finished!
 Assemble all the part together - finished!
 Testing all functions - finished!
 Tweak the software parameter and GUI to gain the most satisfying result - finished!
 Testing, testing, testing... - finished!
There is still a lot of work to do...
What has worked?
 The whole PCB with all functions is working!
 All mechanic parts are working nice together!
What hasn't?
What questions still need to be resolved?
 Was the Nav-Stick a good choice as input device?
 Will the software work properly?
What have you learned?
 A lot.
Just have a look into my weekly assignment list.
Absolutely crazy how much you can learn in such a short period of time. Electronics was my favorite topic. I never had enough time to learn all the stuff. I started with electronics in the FabAcademy. From milling the first FabISP to the slider control was a really huge step for me.
Every week was an own project with a lot of efforts, setbacks and achievements. We had to organize, organize and to acquire or order all the needed parts directly after the lecture by ourself, to accomplish the assignment in the given time. As - back in 2016 - our FabLab had no CNC mill (and we built our own which unfortunately was not able to mill metal), we encountered a lot of problems doing the FabAcademy properly. I was not able to accomplish all my assignments. My actual job at the Technical Center for Mechanical and Thermal Process Engineering gave me access to a lot of nice machines (like a really huge CNC mill) and I try to finish my FabAcademy, now.
The essence of a project
Time management. If a minute is gone without doing necessary things, it's gone. Focus your energy on the things to do and try to challenge yourself. Set short-term objectives, set milestones and try to achieve them. Don't set long-term objectives only. You might loose the central theme.
My old physics Professor said:"You already have the knowledge. I'm here to give you the sorting box."

This work by Daniel Bruns is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.