








Electronic Design

The Design

This week i started designing the board by adding both the switch and the LED, i watched the tutorials mentioned on the left for Eagle, then started the design I preferred connecting the components directly to each other rather than manually with wires at the schematic, it made things clear and better for me
Components needed
Attiny 44 Microcontroller
Two ISP programming 6pins
two 10k and 499k resistors
1uf capacitor

The Arranging

Then i came to arranging the board it took time moving components around the board to save time and circuit and avoid close connections or short circuits. after that i exported the board as image then on Photoshop i added 40 px boarder from all sides for the cut out file

The Milling

i took both files to the machine, and just like the ISP week i started the milling

The Soldering Surgery!!

then came the soldering i started with the small parts then the first ones finally checking my connections with the multimeter i found A SHORT CIRCUIT !!!! I kept removing components and adding them back till finally i found it!! i had to remove the connected parts with the cutter then re-added the micro-controller again, everything then went fine!!

Download The Design Files
Schematic File
Board File