week 10-input devices

this weeks assignment was to measure something.

I made the hello mic 45 board, designed by neil Gershenfeld.I used the .png file to mill the board.



After soldering the parts i understood that i am not going to use an external power source (like 9v battery), so i hade to solder another wire to close the circuit.

bypass hello-45-mic-board

First i programmed the board on mac. I used AVRISPmkii proggramer to upload the hello.mic.45.make file.

in the terminal type-   cd Desktop .this will direct the terminal to the desk top.

then type-  sudo make -f hello.mic.45.make program-avrisp2.  this will use the .make file to generate a hex code  from the .c file and program the board.

then type-ls /dev/tty.usb*. this will give you the name of the serial port in use. (  /dev/tty.usbserial-FTG6MXIT)

python is already installed on this computer. if not, you have to download python 2.7.3 and install it and then do the sane with  python serial

type-  python hello.mic.45.py /dev/tty.usbserial-FTG6MXIT. this will upload the python code using the output from the mic to generate a graphic display.

Then i tried to do the same in windows xp. i installed python 2.7.3.

then i added python to my path:

- right click on my computer and choose properties and then choose environment variables.

- edit the path and add  ;c\python27.




-restart the computer and open the command line.


-then type in the command line python

cmd-python if everything went well you should get this.

- then download and install PySerial and TKinter

- connect the FDTI cabel and check the port number. right click on my computer,select properties ‘ select devices manager and see the number of the serial port- com6

device-manager serial-num


-  By Anna’s tutorial i  typed  in the command line python hello.mic.45.py com6 ( i moved the .py file to the directory that the command line go)

