City of Huancayo

Armando Calcina, I live in the city of Huancayo, Junín In Peru, from a very young age I liked the technology of machines and vehicles, that's why I started having my own automotive mechanics workshop, now I am a university teacher and I am also an admirer of digital manufacturing.

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My job

I am a university professor of mechanical engineering at the National University of Central Peru. I like science, research and technology.

Huancayo city

I currently live in the city of Huancayo, department of Junin, Peru. Known as the Mantaro Valley, it is a beautiful place that is part of the Andes mountain range.


The Innovation Center for technological development of the National University of Central Peru (CIDTEC UNCP) is the first digital manufacturing laboratory open to the general public in the city of Huancayo. It is committed to providing an accessible space specialized in digital design and manufacturing; it also seeks to promote innovation, invention and entrepreneurship, not only for the UNCP university community but also for the general public of the city of Huancayo.

My entrepreneurship

My venture with digital manufacturing was born in 2019 before the covid 19 pandemic, my aspiration was to have a FABLAB laboratory, starting by acquiring a 3D printer, then acquiring a PCB machine and then implementing with other digital manufacturing printers. Now I have a CO2 laser printer for which I am fascinated by digital technology.


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