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8. Electroics Production

This week’s group assignment was to;
1. Characterize the design rules for my in-house PCB production process: document feeds, speeds, plunge rate, depth of cut (traces and outline) and tooling.
2. Document the workflow for sending a PCB to a boardhouse

3D modeling machine at FabLab Kamakura: monoFab SRM-20

Model monoFab SRM-20

Milling the PCB using test data

We used xxx as test data

Generaing gcode for the CNC machine using modsproject is a website for a software tool that generates gcode for CNC machines. It’s used in browsers and is similar to Cura.

Mill the PCB

Settings: | Parameter | Value | | Drill for trace cutting | | | Drill for outline cutting | | | Feed rate | |


Files and Codes