The Fabrication Laboratory, known as Fab Lab, is a digital manufacturing space for prototyping that bring together computer-controlled machines.
UNITEC, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana, obtained the accreditation of its Fab Lab as a Fab Academy node, positioning Honduras as the first country in the region. It's a space dedicated for learning and innovation, where unique technological solutions are provided to promote learning and the using of digital manufacturing tools and techniques. It is an environment intended for creation, learning, guidance and inventiveness.
The Fab Lab makes possible to have innovative resource, to enrich the academy through research, knowledge and creative projects. In addition, it is open to other universities that seek access to cutting-edge technology as part of the training of their students and teachers, to the business sector that wishes to train their staff, as well as entrepreneurs with innovational projects. It is also available to anyone interested in learning about research and product development methodologies.
3D printers
Shop Bot
Precision milling
Precision milling
Sewing machine
Semi automatic router
Laser cutter
Resin printer
Electronic work Station
3D scanner
3D scanner
Vinyl cutter