About me



Islas de la Bahia

About me:

Hi everybody! My name is Geovanny Fortín, I am a System Engineer and I´ve been focusing in Networking, specifically

installation and configuration. I am from Honduras, I live in the capital city of Tegucigalpa. It is one of the seven countries

located in Central America and it is a country with coasts on the Caribbean sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the

south and has the second largest barrier reef system in the world.

What do I do:

I work at Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana, Unitec. I started teaching in 2009 and I remember the first time I taugth

I was so nervous but since then I start it to enjoy what I do. I´ve made a lot of great friends from whom i´ve learn a lot I enjoy

teaching, and I always try to do new things in my courses so I try not to repeat the same activities for example, or new ways

of doing things.

As part of my courses we do University connections, with this students visit some institutions and provide some services like

giving maintenance to computer laboratories, repair equipment, training students and/or elementary school teachers.


  • I like to go to La Tigra Park and go hiking with my friends. I haven't done all the trails yet, hope I can do them all.
  • I've been trying to learn how to cook, specially baking. First time didn´t go so good (taste yes, presentation .......
  • i'm working on it)

  • I tried to exercise a few days a week, this isn't easy but i'm trying.