

Langárica Ávila

Creative Studies Division Dean


Hernández Sánchez

Hello! I'm Iván, passionate engineer working on digital manufacturing topics since 2013, graduated from fabacademy 2016 and instructor from 2018...


León Santibáñez

Hello, I'm Jonathan and I'm an industrial designer. I like to share my knowledge (and that is why I work at a college since 2020), I am passionate about caring for the environment and I usually participate in volunteer activities in my community. I graduated from FabAcademy in 2022 and this is my first time as instructor.



Hello i'm Luis and i'm a Mechanical electrical engineer working as a lab technician at fablab Querétaro since 2019. My passion is to tinker creative solutions in digital fabrication. i graduated fabacademy in 2022 and this is my first time as local instructor also.