Applications and Implications

For this week's assignment, I will outline everything necessary for the development and creation of my final project.

Final Project: Smart Bracelet

What will it do?

The smart bracelet will measure various biometric parameters of the user, such as heart rate, body temperature, physical activity, and other vital signs. The collected data will be stored in a database that doctors can access to remotely monitor the patient's health.

Who has done what beforehand?

Similar projects include devices like the Apple Watch, Fitbit, and other health wearables that monitor vital signs. These devices have been used for tracking physical activity and general health, but few focus on real-time data storage and access by doctors. Studying these devices can provide valuable insights into design and functionality.

What will you design?

I will design the hardware for the bracelet, which will include sensors to measure vital signs, a battery, and a communication module (such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) to transfer data. I will also design the user interface in a mobile or web application, as well as the database where the data will be stored and the system that will allow doctors to access it.

What materials and components will be used?

Component Description
XIAO nRF52840 Sense Includes various sensors
MAX30102 Pulse and oxygen concentration sensor
MCP9700AT-E/LT IC SMD Temperature sensor
Rechargeable battery Provides power to the bracelet
Bracelet casing 3D printed or made from flexible material
Additional electronic components Resistors, capacitors, wires

Where will they come from?

The components can be purchased from local electronics stores or online (Amazon, Adafruit, SparkFun). The bracelet casing could be manufactured using a 3D printer or obtained from specialized suppliers.

How much will they cost?

Component Cost
XIAO nRF52840 Sense $30
MAX30102 $10
MCP9700AT-E/LT $5
Rechargeable battery $15
Bracelet casing $10
Additional electronic components $20
Total estimated cost $90

What parts and systems will be made?

I will manufacture the bracelet casing using a 3D printer or flexible materials. I will assemble the electronic components and program the microcontroller to process and send the collected data. I will also develop the software for the application and the database.

What processes will be used?

The processes will include:

  • 3D design and printing of the casing
  • Soldering of electronic components
  • Programming the microcontroller
  • Development of the mobile/web application
  • Configuration and management of the database
  • Functionality testing and adjustments

What questions need to be answered?

Key questions:

  • What is the accuracy of the selected sensors?
  • What will be the battery life of the bracelet?
  • How will data security and privacy be ensured?
  • How will software updates be handled?
  • How comfortable will the bracelet be for the user?

How will it be evaluated?

The project will be evaluated through:

  • Accuracy tests of the sensors
  • Evaluation of the battery life and efficiency
  • Usability tests with real users
  • Review of database security and privacy

    Project Timeline

    Date Activity
    May 21, 2024 Create Digital Mold for CNC Router Cutting
    May 22, 2024 Cut Mold with CNC Router
    May 23, 2024 Mold Casting with Plastic
    May 27, 2024 Component Arrival and Inspection
    May 28, 2024 PCB Cutting and Component Soldering
    May 29, 2024 Test PCB with Functional Band
    May 30, 2024 Create Platform for Band Use