17. Invention, intellectial property, income

Week asignments

1.Individual assignment: develop a plan for dissemination of your final project

Disemination plan

Invention, Intellectual Property and Income
Creating an objective for a device that transports luggage through an airport involves defining clear, concise goals that address user needs, operational efficiency, and overall functionality. Objective: To design and implement an automated luggage transport device that enhances the airport experience by efficiently and securely transporting passengers' luggage from check-in to their final destination, reducing manual handling, minimizing the risk of lost or damaged luggage, and improving overall operational efficiency. Also, developing this device will enable to test the different ways to control a vehicle: manually, semi-autonomous, and autonomous; in order to be used as a robotic development platform. Key features:
1. Efficiency:
o Ensure timely and accurate delivery of luggage to designated areas (e.g., check-in counters, security checkpoints, boarding gates, baggage claim).
o Integrate seamlessly with existing airport infrastructure and processes to avoid disruptions.
2. Security:
o Incorporate advanced security features to prevent unauthorized access or tampering with luggage.
o Implement tracking systems to monitor the location and status of each piece of luggage in real-time.
3. User Experience:
o Provide a user-friendly interface for passengers to check in their luggage and receive updates on its status.
o Reduce wait times and manual handling for passengers and airport staff.
4. Scalability:
o Design the device to handle varying volumes of luggage efficiently, from small regional airports to large international hubs.
o Ensure the system can be easily upgraded or expanded as needed.
5. Reliability:
o Develop a robust system with minimal downtime and quick recovery options in case of malfunctions.
o Implement routine maintenance protocols to ensure consistent performance.
6. Sustainability:
o Utilize energy-efficient technologies and materials to minimize the environmental impact of the device.
o Incorporate recycling or repurposing options for outdated or worn-out components.
7. Compliance:
o Ensure the device meets all relevant safety and regulatory standards for airport operations and luggage handling.
o Collaborate with airport authorities and regulatory bodies to maintain compliance.
By achieving these goals, the luggage transport device will contribute to a smoother, more efficient airport experience for passengers and staff alike, ultimately enhancing overall satisfaction and operational performance.
Dissemination Goals:
• Improve mobility: provide an auxiliary device in order to make luggage transportation more efficient and safer.
• Contribute to a robotic development platform: create experiments and documentation towards different ways to control a vehicle: manually, semi-autonomous, and autonomous.
• Continuous improvement: gather feedback and use it to improve the device continuously.
Target audiences:
Primary audience: travelers, both business and tourism travelers.
Secondary audience: people interested in transportation robotic-devices.
Dissemination channels:
• Social media: platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Tik tok and X, among other, to share testimonials, sample videos of the device's operation, among other relevant product features.
• The Academic spaces: use collective communication spaces within the universities such as wall newspapers, advertisements, brochures and student publications, in order to publicize the project and its social networks for dissemination.
• Fablab network: make the methodology and documentation of the device available to the fablabs network media, in order to contribute to the development of other similar projects and to obtain feedback from the community.
Funding and Business Plan:
Securing funding for the commercialization of a luggage transport device involves exploring various financing options and strategies to attract investors. Here are some potential funding ideas:
1. Venture Capital:
• Pitch to Venture Capitalists (VCs): Prepare a compelling business plan and pitch to venture capital firms specializing in technology and transportation.
• Networking Events: Attend industry conferences, pitch competitions, and networking events to connect with potential VCs.
2. Crowdfunding:
• Platforms: Use crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or GoFundMe to raise funds from a large number of small investors.
• Pre-Orders: Offer pre-orders or exclusive perks to early backers to generate interest and secure initial funding.
3. Strategic Partnerships:
• Airport Authorities: Partner with airport authorities who might invest in technologies that improve their operations.
• Airlines: Collaborate with airlines that are interested in enhancing passenger experience and operational efficiency.
• Technology Companies: Form alliances with tech companies that can provide financial backing and technical expertise.
4. Corporate Investment:
• Strategic Investors: Seek investment from corporations in the travel, logistics, or technology sectors interested in innovative solutions.
• Incubators and Accelerators: Join incubator or accelerator programs that provide funding, mentorship, and resources for early-stage startups.
5. Private Equity:
• Private Equity Firms: Approach private equity firms that invest in high-potential startups and provide both funding and strategic guidance.
6. Revenue Sharing or Licensing:
• Revenue Sharing Models: Propose revenue-sharing models with airports or airlines where they invest in exchange for a share of the revenue generated by the device.
• Licensing Agreements: License the technology to other companies or airport operators in exchange for upfront fees and royalties.
7. Bootstrapping:
• Personal Savings: Use personal savings to fund the initial stages of development.
• Reinvestment: Reinvest profits from initial sales or contracts back into the business to fuel growth.
Business Plan
Activity First Bimonthly Second Bimonthly Third Bimonthly Fourth Bimonthly Fifth Bimonthly Sixth Bimonthly
Development of dissemination materials
Social Media Campaing
Identification of events and exhibitions where the device can be promoted.
Research to identify potential sponsors and crowdfunding
Establishment of an agenda for meetings with potential sponsors and crowdfunding
Product demonstrations
Establishment of strategic alliances
Scaling Strategy
Funding scaling up:
• Comprehensive Business Plan: Develop a detailed business plan outlining market analysis, revenue projections, competitive advantages, and commercialization strategy.
• Prototypes and Demonstrations: Create a working prototype to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the device.
• Clear Value Proposition: Clearly articulate the value proposition and potential return on investment to attract funders.
• Market Validation: Showcase any letters of intent, partnerships, or pilot agreements with airports or airlines as proof of market interest and validation.
By pursuing a combination of these funding strategies, you can increase your chances of securing the necessary resources to bring your luggage transport device to market successfully.
Licensing considerations:
To create "Smart Luggage Tug", it's crucial to consider various licensing aspects to ensure compliance with regulations, protect intellectual property, and facilitate commercialization. Here are the key licensing considerations:
1. Intellectual Property (IP) Protection:
• Patents:
o Utility Patents: Protect the functional aspects of the device, such as its mechanics and software algorithms.
o Design Patents: Protect the unique design or appearance of the device.
o Provisional Patents: File for a provisional patent to establish an early filing date while you develop the product further.
• Trademarks: Register trademarks for the brand name, logo, and any distinctive features of the device to protect brand identity.
• Copyrights: Protect any original software, documentation, and promotional materials.
2. Regulatory Compliance:
• Aviation and Airport Regulations:
o Ensure the device complies with regulations set by aviation authorities, such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the U.S. or the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in Europe.
o Adhere to guidelines for security screening and baggage handling set by organizations like the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
• Safety Standards:
o Conform to safety standards relevant to automated and robotic devices, such as those from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) or other local standards organizations.
• Data Protection:
o Comply with data protection regulations if the device collects or processes passenger data. This includes the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and other relevant privacy laws.
3. Software Licensing:
• Proprietary Software:
o Develop proprietary software under a custom license that restricts use, copying, modification, and distribution.
• Open Source Software:
o If using open-source components, ensure compliance with their respective licenses (e.g., GPL, MIT, Apache). Clearly document the use of any open-source software and adhere to license terms.
• Third-Party Software:
o Obtain appropriate licenses for any third-party software integrated into the device, ensuring you have the right to use and distribute it.
4. Hardware and Component Licensing:
• Technology Licensing:
o License necessary technologies or components from third parties, such as sensors, motors, or communication modules.
• Supplier Agreements:
o Establish clear agreements with suppliers to secure rights to use and distribute their components within your device.
5. Manufacturing and Distribution:
• Manufacturing Licenses:
o If outsourcing manufacturing, ensure the contract includes licensing terms for the use of your patented designs and technologies.
• Distribution Agreements:
o Set up licensing agreements with distributors, specifying the terms of sale, territorial rights, and use of trademarks.
By addressing these licensing considerations, you can protect your intellectual property, ensure regulatory compliance, and create a solid foundation for the successful commercialization of your luggage transport device.
Evaluation and feedback:
The main evaluation and feedback gathering mechanism will be a digital logbook, in which progress in the implementation of the business plan will be recorded, as well as the positive results and areas of opportunity that are detected, as well as the comments received from potential partners and allies with whom contact is made. Based on the above, the adjustments and improvements made to the Smart Luggage Tug will also be recorded.
The development of Smart Luggage Tug has a high degree of viability due to the enormous number of air travelers in Mexico and internationally. According to data from Airports Council International (ACI), more than 8 billion people traveled by air in 2023; moreover, worldwide passenger traffic is expected to reach 19.3 billion by 2041. Airports are also expected to handle nearly 200 million tons of air cargo worldwide. This increase in the demand for air travel of both people and products makes it necessary to create and develop devices that contribute to the safety and efficiency of these transfers.
For the development of Smart Luggage Tug, the use of private licenses was not necessary; however, free CC and MIT licenses were used.
Thank you for your continued attention to SLT's development!