I'm Gianfranco Carrasco Rubio
I study mechatronic engineering, I am 22 years old, I am from the state of Tlaxcala (the most beautiful state in all of Mexico). I am very excited to take the FABACADEMY, I feel it is a unique opportunity in which I can explore how much I know and what skills I need to know or improve.
I will take this course at the Iberoamericana University of Puebla, I am very happy that several of my friends from the university have also decided to undertake this adventure, it will be very interesting to see how we grow intellectually along with the weeks of fabacademy.
Something else
Honestly, I really love some of the things we will do in this course, 3D modeling is one of them, I consider myself good at complicated software, CATIA V5, I have done different projects in the aforementioned software. In the same way, 3D printing, without a doubt the final result of difficult modeling, I am a true fan, even of step 1, calibration, on occasions I have spent up to 1 hour watching how a piece is finished on a 3D printer.
It is clear that I have a lot to improve, however I feel very proud of everything I know at this moment, despite knowing several tools, I am taking the course as if I knew absolutely nothing, this way I feel I can improve in details in what which I didn't know there were better ways to do it
Finally, I would like to mention that I am a little afraid, even though I know most of the tools, I feel that it is a very challenging course, in which we have to put more than 100% in order to pass it. I hope I can enjoy these weeks without getting too stressed