Enneagram Lamp

First of all, What is the Enneagram? The enneagram is a typological classification of personalities. This system has been used for centuries in many cultures and traditions, it has a basis in psychology, so it is common for professionals in the area to use this system to help people understand their thought patterns and behavior, and at the same time find ways to grow and improve. There are 9 personalities in total, and while you can't be born with your enneatype defined because until you are a young adult you can still modify it according to your experiences, once you have it you can't change it, and that's fine, but what happens when we live in a society that rewards certain types of personalities, there are more and more people with depression, who suffer for not fitting the stereotypes of society.

While I am not looking to be the 360° change that society needs, I would like to be able to help people to see inside themselves, and to accept and recognize themselves as valuable people, who do not need to want to be someone other than themselves. With that in mind, I present to you my project: "Enneagram Lamp".


Help people unwind at the end of the day to relax and give them a few moments to recognize and understand themselves before going to sleep so they can finally accept themselves as they are.

How does it work?

  • The lamp will be configured at the time when the person decides it is time to start their nightly routine, through an application.

  • Once the time comes the lamp will start to turn on little by little, from the base to its highest part in a spiral shape.

  • At the same time it will emit a sound with a radio frequency that helps relaxation, such as 432 Hz, which can also be configured through the application.

How about adding this?

  • Add a sensor that according to the heart rate changes the color of the light of the lamp once it detects that the person has reached an optimal point of relaxation.

  • As part of the self-knowledge I am thinking of adding a small screen that shows a different question every day so that they can answer it and reflect on themselves and get closer to knowing themselves.

  • Include within the application an enneagram test to help people know themselves better.

Intersting pages

I had the opportunity to meet with my local instructor and talk a bit about my final project and how I plan to go about working on it in the near future. The first step was to do a TO-DO to empty my mind of what I had left to do, and what I had to research before I could proceed.

After I was clearer about the steps, what I did was to move them all into a working timeline for my final project, in which I plan to start integrating products from previous weeks with parts of my final project, like the interface, for example.

Final Proyect Body & base