Embedded Programming

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The history of programming dates back to Ada Lovelace in the 1840s. Since then, we have gone through several generations of programming languages, from machine language to modern high-level languages.The most popular are the following

Popular Programming Languages

  • JavaScript: Widely used for web development and increasingly popular in mobile and desktop application development.
  • Python: Versatile and easy to learn, it's used in a wide range of applications, from web development to data science and artificial intelligence.
  • Java: Still very popular in enterprise application development and for Android devices.
  • C#: Primarily used in software development for the Windows platform and game development through the Unity framework.
  • C++: Widely used in embedded systems, game development, high-performance applications, and system software.
  • PHP: Mainly used in server-side web development, especially in building dynamic websites.
  • TypeScript: A typed superset of JavaScript that is increasingly used in web development for large and complex applications.
  • Swift: The primary language for iOS and macOS application development.
  • Ruby: Known for its elegance and ease of use, it's popular in web development through frameworks like Ruby on Rails.
  • Kotlin: Gaining popularity as an alternative language for Android application development, alongside Java.

On this page we will focus on C since it is the one occupied by arduino and Python because circuit python works with that

C: Developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie, it is efficient and portable, ideal for operating systems and low-level applications.

Python: Created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum, it stands out for its simplicity and versatility, used in a wide range of applications, from web development to artificial intelligence.

The main difference lies in syntax and performance: Python is more readable and easier to learn, while C is faster and suitable for low-level applications.

In summary, the choice between C and Python depends on the project and its specific requirements, with both being used in different areas of software development.


Data Types in C/C++

Basic Data Types:

  • int: Represents integer numbers.
  • float and double: Represent floating-point numbers (with decimals).
  • char: Represents a single character.
  • bool: Represents a boolean value (true or false).

Composite Data Types:

  • array: Fixed-size collection of elements of the same type.
  • struct: Collection of variables of different types grouped under a name.
  • class: Similar to struct, but with the ability to encapsulate data and functions.

Pointers and References:

  • pointer: Stores the memory address of another variable.
  • reference: Provides another name (alias) for an existing variable.

Enumerations and User-defined Types:

  • enum: Defines a set of named constants.
  • typedef: Allows creating aliases for existing data types.

C++ Examples


int age = 25;
	float price = 10.99;
	char letter = 'A';
	bool isTrue = true;



Allows code blocks to be executed based on a condition.

int age = 18;
	if (age >= 18) {
		std::cout << "You are of legal age." << std::endl;
	} else {
		std::cout << "You are under legal age." << std::endl;


Executes a block of code as long as a condition is met.

int counter = 0;
	while (counter < 5) {
		std::cout << "Counter: " << counter << std::endl;


Especially useful for iterating over a sequence of values.

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		std::cout << "i: " << i << std::endl;


Similar to while, but ensures that the code block is executed at least once before checking the condition.

int x = 5;
	do {
		std::cout << "x: " << x << std::endl;
	} while (x > 0);


Basic Data Types:

  • int: Represents integer numbers.
  • float: Represents floating-point numbers (with decimals).
  • str: Represents a sequence of characters (text).
  • bool: Represents a boolean value (True or False).
  • NoneType: Represents the absence of a value, similar to null in other languages.

Composite Data Types:

  • list: Mutable and ordered collection of elements.
  • tuple: Immutable and ordered collection of elements.
  • dict: Mutable and unordered collection of key-value pairs.
  • set: Mutable and unordered collection of unique elements.

Pointers and References:

In Python, there are no pointers like in C++. All variables are references to objects in memory, but memory management is automatic and transparent to the user.

Enumerations and User-defined Types:

  • Enumerations (Enum): Enumerations can be defined using the Enum class from the enum module.
  • typedef: In Python, there is no direct equivalent construction to typedef in C++, but type aliases can be used using the 'as' keyword.

Python Examples


age = 25
price = 10.99
letter = 'A'
is_true = True



age = 18
if age >= 18:
    print("You are of legal age.")
    print("You are under legal age.")


counter = 0
while counter < 5:
    print("Counter:", counter)
    counter += 1


for i in range(5):
    print("i:", i)


There is no direct do-while structure in Python, but it can be simulated with a while loop:

x = 5
while True:
    print("x:", x)
    x -= 1
    if x <= 0:

Other Key Differences:

  • Typing:

    C is a strongly typed programming language, which means that you need to specify the data type for each variable. On the other hand, Python is dynamically typed, meaning that variables can change type dynamically.

  • Syntax:

    The syntax of C is stricter and requires semicolons at the end of each statement, while Python uses indentation to define code blocks.

  • Memory Management:

    In C, the programmer is responsible for memory management, which can lead to errors such as memory leaks. In Python, the garbage collector automatically handles memory management.

personal learning

For this practice, I based myself on the schematic of my PCB design, as it has components soldered on it. I couldn't recall which component was soldered to which pin, so I used it as a reference.

I also relied on the pinout diagram of the Xiao RP2040 to identify each pin and declare them in my code.

Xiao RP2040 Microcontroller

Xiao RP2040 Microcontroller

The Xiao RP2040 is a compact and powerful microcontroller designed for electronics projects and IoT applications that require a small form factor and efficient processing capabilities. Equipped with a dual-core ARM Cortex M0+ processor that can run at up to 133 MHz, it offers an optimal combination of power efficiency and processing performance.


  • Powerful MCU: Dual-core ARM Cortex M0+ processor, flexible clock running up to 133 MHz
  • Rich on-chip resources: 264KB of SRAM, and 2MB of on-board Flash memory
  • Flexible compatibility: Support for Micropython, Arduino, and CircuitPython
  • Easy project operation: Breadboard-friendly & SMD design, no components on the back
  • Small size: As small as a thumb (20x17.5mm) for wearable devices and small projects
  • Multiple interfaces: 11 digital pins, 4 analog pins, 11 PWM Pins, 1 I2C interface, 1 UART interface, 1 SPI interface, 1 SWD Bonding pad interface


Item Value
CPU Dual-core ARM Cortex M0+ processor up to 133MHz
Flash Memory 2MB
Digital I/O Pins 11
Analog I/O Pins 4
PWM Pins 11
I2C interface 1
SPI interface 1
UART interface 1
Power supply and downloading interface Type-C
Power 3.3V/5V DC
Dimensions 20x17.5x3.5mm


Arduino is a development platform that provides an easy-to-use software environment for programming microcontrollers and creating electronic projects. With Arduino IDE, the main software used for programming Arduino devices, users can write code in a C/C++-based programming language, upload it to their Arduino board, and control the interaction between the microcontroller and connected electronic components. To work with a board like the Xiao RP2040, which is based on the Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller, you can use Arduino IDE after installing the RP2040 board package. Then, you can program the board using the Arduino programming language, leveraging the functions and libraries available on the platform. This allows users to develop a wide range of projects, from simple blinking lights to more complex IoT devices. The Arduino IDE software offers an intuitive interface that simplifies the development process, making it accessible to beginners and experts alike. Additionally, the Arduino community is active and provides a wealth of resources, tutorials, and examples that further facilitate the learning and development process.

how to configure arduino for the xiao rp2040

  1. Press the button labeled 'B' for 3 seconds.
  2. After 3 seconds, connect the computer cable to the Xiao.
  3. The file tab will open, displaying the contents of the Xiao.
  4. Close and follow the steps in the images.
  5. The Xiao is now ready to be programmed.
  6. Compile and load the code.


Basic arduino programming for the RP2040

const int: It's used to define an integer constant that won't change during the program's execution. This makes your code more readable and helps the compiler perform optimizations. Additionally, it prevents accidental changes to the constant's value and provides type checking.

int: It's an integer variable that can change its value during the program's execution. It doesn't indicate that the value is constant, so it's not the best choice if you want to ensure the value doesn't change accidentally.

#define: It's used to define preprocessing macros, which are replaced by their value at compile time. Although useful for defining symbolic constants, it doesn't provide type checking and may hide typographical errors.

void setup(): This function is executed once at the beginning of the program. It's mainly used for performing initial configurations, such as initializing pins, setting the serial communication speed, configuring peripherals, etc. Everything that needs to happen only once at the start of the program should go inside this function.

void loop(): After the setup() function is executed once, the loop() function runs continuously in an infinite loop. This is where the main code of your program is placed. Everything that needs to repeat continuously during the program's execution should go inside this function. For example, reading sensors, controlling actuators, updating the user interface, etc.

Code to turn on a led
// Define pin 0 (D0) as the LED pin
const int LED_PIN = D7;

void setup() {
  // Configure the LED pin as output
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // Turn on the LED connected to pin D0
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
LED flashing code
// Define pin D0 as the LED pin
	const int LED_PIN = D7;
	void setup() {
	  // Configure the LED pin as output
	  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
	void loop() {
	  // Turn on the LED
	  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
	  // Wait for 2 seconds
	  // Turn off the LED
	  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
	  // Wait for 2 seconds before turning it on again
led with button Basic
// Define pin D0 as the LED pin
		const int LED_PIN = D0;
		// Define pin D2 as the button pin
		const int BUTTON_PIN = D2;
		void setup() {
		  // Configure the LED pin as output
		  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
		  // Configure the button pin as input with pull-up resistor
		void loop() {
		  if (digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == LOW) {
			// If the button is pressed (the pin is connected to ground)
			digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn on the LED
			delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
			digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // Turn off the LED
button with if
// Define pin D0 as the LED pin
			const int LED_PIN = D0;
			// Define pin D2 as the button pin
			const int BUTTON_PIN = D2;
			bool buttonState = false; // Variable to store the button state
			bool lastButtonState = false; // Variable to store the last button state
			void setup() {
			  // Configure the LED pin as output
			  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
			  // Configure the button pin as input with pull-up resistor
			void loop() {
			  buttonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN); // Read the current state of the button
			  // Check if there's a change in the button state
			  if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {
				// If the button was pressed (transitioned from HIGH to LOW)
				if (buttonState == LOW) {
				  // Toggle the LED state
				  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, !digitalRead(LED_PIN));
				  delay(50); // Small delay to debounce the button
				// Update the last button state
				lastButtonState = buttonState;


Arduino Code

winner or loser sequence to implement it in the game, the first with orange LED is for winner and the second with red LED is for loser. In this code they are in infinite bluclet but it can be programmed for a game and enter the corresponding sequence

// Define the buzzer pin as D2
#define BUZZER_PIN D2
// Define LED pins D0, D6, and D7
#define LED_PIN_D0 D0
#define LED_PIN_D6 D6
#define LED_PIN_D7 D7

// Define musical notes and their frequencies in Hz
#define C6 1046.50 // Do
#define E5 659.25  // Mi
#define G5 783.99  // Sol
#define C5 523.25  // Do
#define E4 329.63  // Mi
#define G4 392.00  // Sol

// Define note durations
#define QUARTER 250

void setup() {
  pinMode(BUZZER_PIN, OUTPUT); // Set buzzer pin as output
  pinMode(LED_PIN_D0, OUTPUT); // Set LED pin D0 as output
  pinMode(LED_PIN_D6, OUTPUT); // Set LED pin D6 as output
  pinMode(LED_PIN_D7, OUTPUT); // Set LED pin D7 as output

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN_D0, HIGH);
  // Play the "winner" sound
  // Keep LED on for half a minute

  // Turn off LED D0
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN_D0, LOW);

  // Play the "loser" sound and blink LEDs D6 and D7

// Play "winner" sound sequence
void winnerSound() {
  float notes[] = {C6, E5, G5, C5, E4, G4, C5}; // Note sequence for "winner" sound
  int noteDuration = QUARTER; // Duration of each note (in milliseconds)
  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(notes) / sizeof(notes[0]); i++) {
    tone(BUZZER_PIN, notes[i], noteDuration);

// Play "loser" sound sequence
void loserSound() {
  float notes[] = {C5, E4, G4}; // Note sequence for "loser" sound
  int noteDuration = QUARTER; // Duration of each note (in milliseconds)
  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(notes) / sizeof(notes[0]); i++) {
    tone(BUZZER_PIN, notes[i], noteDuration);
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN_D6, HIGH); // Turn on LED D6
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN_D7, HIGH); // Turn on LED D7
    delay(3000); // Wait for a while
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN_D6, LOW); // Turn off LED D6
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN_D7, LOW); // Turn off LED D7
  delay(500); // Wait a bit at the end of the sound


CircuitPython is an open-source development environment specifically designed for microcontrollers. Unlike other programming environments, CircuitPython simplifies the development process by providing an easy-to-understand programming interface based on Python. This platform is intended to make microcontroller programming more accessible for beginners and more convenient for experienced developers. With CircuitPython, users can write Python code directly on their microcontroller boards, making it easier to create interactive and customized electronic projects. Additionally, CircuitPython is compatible with a wide variety of popular microcontrollers, including the Xiao RP2040, which is based on the Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller. This allows users to harness the power of Python on this specific board to develop a wide range of projects easily and efficiently.

Steps to use CircuitPython with xiao rp2040

  1. Press the button labeled 'B' for 3 seconds.
  2. After 3 seconds, connect the cable from the computer to the Xiao.
  3. file tab will open, showing the Xiao's contents.
  4. Drag the CircuitPython downloadable file onto the Xiao.
  5. Download the NeoPixel libraries.
  6. Place these libraries in the 'lib' folder.
  7. When the CircuitPython menu opens, select the CircuitPython option.
  8. Your Xiao is now ready to be programmed.
  9. Click 'Save' to send the code to the Xiao.
libraries libraries

Basic CircuitPython programming for the RP2040

Code to turn on a led

				import board
				import digitalio
				led_pin = board.D0  # Define pin D0 as the LED pin
				led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(led_pin)
				led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
				led.value = True  # Turn on the LED
LED flashing code

				import time
				import board
				import digitalio
				led_pin = board.D0  # Define pin D0 as the LED pin
				led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(led_pin)
				led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
				while True:
				led.value = True  # Turn on the LED
				time.sleep(2)     # Wait for 2 seconds
				led.value = False  # Turn off the LED
				time.sleep(2)     # Wait for 2 seconds before turning it on again
Button basic

				import time
				import board
				import digitalio
				led_pin = board.D0  # Define pin D0 as the LED pin
				button_pin = board.D2  # Define pin D2 as the button pin
				led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(led_pin)
				led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
				button = digitalio.DigitalInOut(button_pin)
				button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
				button.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
				button_state = False
				last_button_state = False
				while True:
				button_state = button.value		
				# Check if there's a change in the button state
				if button_state != last_button_state:
				# If the button was pressed (transitioned from True to False)
				if button_state is False:
				# Toggle the LED state
				led.value = not led.value
				# Small delay to debounce the button
			    # Update the last button state
			    last_button_state = button_state

				import time
				import board
				import digitalio
				led_pin = board.D0  # Define pin D0 as the LED pin
				button_pin = board.D2  # Define pin D2 as the button pin
				led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(led_pin)
				led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
			    	button = digitalio.DigitalInOut(button_pin)
			    	button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
			    	button.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
			   	button_state = False
			    	last_button_state = False
			    	while True:
				button_state = button.value
				# Check if there's a change in the button state
				if button_state != last_button_state:
				# If the button was pressed (transitioned from True to False)
				if button_state is False:
				# Toggle the LED state
				led.value = not led.value
				time.sleep(0.05)  # Small delay to debounce the button
				# Update the last button state
				last_button_state = button_state

my code

Code to vary the intensity of the xiao rp2040 rgb led and the support leds serve to warn when it starts at half and when it is at maximum

# Import the necessary libraries
		import board
		import digitalio
		import time
		import neopixel
		# Define the button pin
		PIN_BUTTON = board.D1
		# Define the LED indicator pins
		LED_PINS = [board.D0, board.D6, board.D7]
		# Number of NeoPixels
		# Pin for the NeoPixel
		# Fixed color for the NeoPixel
		COLOR = (44, 62, 80)
		# Configure the button
		button = digitalio.DigitalInOut(PIN_BUTTON)
		button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
		button.pull = digitalio.Pull.DOWN
		# Configure LED indicators
		leds = [digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin) for pin in LED_PINS]
		for led in leds:
		led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
		# Configure NeoPixel
		pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(PIXEL_PIN, NUM_PIXELS, brightness=0.1, auto_write=True)
		# Function to update brightness indicator
		def update_brightness_indicator(brightness_level):
		levels = [0.1, 0.5, 1.0]
		for i, led in enumerate(leds):
		led.value = brightness_level > levels[i]
		# Function to adjust brightness
		def adjust_brightness():
		current_brightness = pixels.brightness
		new_brightness = current_brightness + 0.1 if current_brightness < 1.0 else 0.1
		pixels.brightness = new_brightness
	  	# Wait for button release before starting the main loop
	  	while button.value:pass
		while True:
		if button.value:
		while button.value: pass