18. Project Development

Vector controll aquarium

I incorporated aspects from the wildlife pond into an aquarium and vector control station. This project will involve the design of an aquarium for mosquito fish and mosquito larvae. Two things make this aquarium unique, one is a baffle system ath the back with a water level sensor connected to an LED which wll light up when it's time to refill the water due to evaporation, the other part is a set of mosquito larvae hatcheries which automatically dump into the fishtank to let the mosquito fish eat the larvae before they develop into adult mosquitos.


I created a progress tracker where I included every week, wether it was completed or not, the percentage of progress that was evaluated and the percentage of further progress I had made since last evaluation. This gave me a visual indication of how far along I was and what I had to do.

I also color coded the information green was my global evaluation progress, blue was my personal progress and evaluation and red and black was for neutral markings. All the weeks that my global evaluator had marked as completed were marked with green, the weeks I completed afterwards were marked in blue to signal they were done but might need to be modified if my global evaluator were to suggest modifications or corrections. The first row of numbers referes to the current progress % my evaluator has given to the week and the second refers to my progress made after this last evaluation. At the bottom I also marked what percentage I estimated to be completed and out of the 20 weeks how many were completed.

Supply vs Demans side management

Demand-side time management focuses on managing and prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance, adapting to the incoming demands of one’s schedule. It involves reacting to external pressures and deadlines, structuring time around these requirements, and often prioritizing tasks as they arise. In contrast, supply-side time management concentrates on controlling the amount of time available for tasks, prioritizing activities based on predefined goals and personal values. This approach involves proactive allocation of time to tasks, ensuring a balanced distribution across various life areas, and is less reactive to external demands. Essentially, while demand-side management is driven by external factors, supply-side management is governed by internal decisions and priorities.

Serial vs Parallel tasks

Serial tasks require completion in a specific order, where each task depends on the completion of the one before it. This sequential progression means that the start of each subsequent task must wait until the preceding one is finished, often leading to a bottleneck if one task is delayed.

Parallel tasks, on the other hand, can be performed simultaneously. They do not depend on the sequence for completion, allowing multiple tasks to be carried out at the same time. This method can significantly reduce the overall time needed to complete all tasks as it maximizes the use of available resources and time. Parallel task execution is particularly effective in environments where tasks are independent of each other and can be completed concurrently without one affecting the others.

This helps you organize your schedule and allows you to make steady progress on different tasks simultaneously. This lets you carry out different tasks that require wait times since parallel tasks don't depend on completing them in succession.

Task Checklist:

I made a checklist of all the parts of the project to be able to organize my time and know how far along I am in the process.

    Draw Plans:
    • Sketch detailed blueprints for the entire aquarium system.
    • Include dimensions and layouts for the tank, larva hatchery compartments, baffle system, and electronics area.
    • Draw the layout for the PCB, ensuring all component placements and connections are accurately represented.
    Choose Electronic Components:
    • Select and finalize all necessary electronic components (transistors, diodes, connectors, LEDs, resistors, etc.).
    Source Materials:
    • Find physical stores for materials like glass and 3D printing supplies.
    • Order electronic components considering shipping times and potential delays.
    Design PCB:
    • Draw rough layouts for the PCB to ensure fit and connectivity.
    • Design the finalized PCB layout to accommodate all electronic components securely.
    Cut PCB:
    • Cut the copper clad sheet according to the PCB design.
    Assemble Electronics:
    • Solder electronic components onto the PCB.
    3D Print Components:
    • Print necessary parts such as the larva hatchery stand, solenoid valve adapter, and electronics housing.
    Assemble the Aquarium:
    • Build the aquarium using the sourced glass and assembled 3D printed components.
    • Write and upload the software to control the larva hatchery, solenoid valve, and water level sensor.
    • Test all functions of the aquarium to ensure they operate as expected.
    Fix Issues:
    • Troubleshoot and resolve any problems identified during the testing phase.
    Final Setup and Evaluation:
    • Place the aquarium in its designated location.
    • Perform a final test to ensure all systems function properly.
    • Evaluate the setup based on effectiveness in mosquito population control and operational safety.

I used this task list as a checklist and started crossing out each part as I went and have since completed all parts.