compare as many tool options as possible
write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made
Here is my organization to finish on time:
The purpose of using this language is to light an LED on my Xiao ESP32-C3 board using HTML and Visual Studio Code, for this I need to write a program in C/C++ language using the ESP-IDF development environment, which is compatible with Visual Studio Code. Here I guide you step by step:
1. ESP-IDF Installation and Tools
Make sure you have installed ESP-IDF and the necessary development tools by following the official instructions.
2. Visual Studio Code Configuration
Install the ESP-IDF extension in Visual Studio Code to configure your development environment.
Project Creation
1. Initialising the Project
Open a terminal in Visual Studio Code and start a new ESP-IDF project with the command: create-project esp32c3-led
Next, navigate to the project directory
cd esp32c3-led
2. Code Configuration
Open the main/main.cpp file in your project and write the following code:
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" // Definir el número de pin del LED #define LED_PIN GPIO_NUM_3 void app_main() { // Configurar el pin GPIO para el LED como salida gpio_pad_select_gpio(LED_PIN); gpio_set_direction(LED_PIN, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT); while (1) { // Encender el LED gpio_set_level(LED_PIN, 1); vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // Esperar 1 segundo // Apagar el LED gpio_set_level(LED_PIN, 0); vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // Esperar 1 segundo } }
Compiling and Loading the Program
1. Compilation
In the Visual Studio Code terminal, run the command to compile the project: build
I searched for the error with AI tools, but they told me that it might be an ESP-IDF installation error, so I uninstalled it and I still got the error.
From here I leave you the next steps, I tried to verify that maybe the error was because I didn't have Python installed, I leave you my screenshots of the installation.
2. Loading the Programme
Connect your Xiao ESP32-C3 board to your computer via USB.
Upload the program to the board with the command: -p (puerto_USB) flash
Replace (USB_port) with the serial port where your board is connected (for example, /dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux or COM1 on Windows).
Once the program has been successfully loaded, the LED connected to pin D3 on your board should start flashing, turning on and off every second.
I didn't get any results! but I will continue my search to identify the error from here, I won't give up!
Defining my application and what it will do
What I want to do is to make an application that can determine the color of an Output, in this case the Neopixel, doing a review of environments to work my app I decided to use the MIT INVENTOR APP.
In the app, click on CREATE APPS!, from here another environment will open where we will click on NEW PROJECT.
From this environment, we rename the new project and give it OK.
The initial design
Here I changed the device to an Iphone interface, from here I started to discover this environment, where the left bar shows a list of resources to add on the device screen, the correct way is to drag it on the screen and will appear on the right bar, the list of order as a history of all additions of the app, with free settings of size, shape, thickness, font, etc..
Here I left an example of the creation of a slider that I will need to be able to make the color change of my Neopixel, the component is called SLIDER, its configurations are based on the position, color of the selector and thickness of the same one.
In the case of the button, it is found in the USER INTERFACE list, called Button, which has the characteristic of having rounded edges.
With the design ready, what we can do to verify that everything is ok! is to go to the CONNECT tab and click on AI COMPANION, where it will give us a qr code + code to place on our mobile device (previously you have had to download the app on your mobile phone) LINK HERE
From your mobile device you can now verify that it is working properly and if you like the design.
Programming the buttons
To program the buttons, I started by selecting the Red Slider to give it an action, in this case, when the position changes I set the colour in Ball 1 and it is painted according to the other colour selectors. I repeat this for all cases (the green and blue slider).
On the next buttons I started to program the Bluetooth device list buttons, so that I send a text through the colour list of the selectors through a code for the microcontroller to read.
The configuration is also completed when the Bluetooth button is pressed before or after.
Installing my app on Android
To be able to use the app, with the configurations made, it is necessary to Build the application to be installed, so through the BUILD tab click on Android App (.apk).
When the app is finished, it will appear on your device like this:
Testing the app
Now it's time to test it, so first I click on ‘Bluetooth devices list’, select the device called ‘Neopixel Control’, and after waiting for the connection I should be able to change the colours using the selectors and finally hit Set the Color!
But here an error occurred, the microcontroller was shown as not switched on, even though I had loaded the code correctly, and the BLE did identify the device, so I could not identify what had happened.
I'm still looking for what the mistake was, while I kept using other ways to do this assignment!
Moving a servo with my Mouse
In this case I decided to use the Xiao RP2040 for programming.
First download the Processing program from this website:
The servo is programmed with code in the Arduino to identify that it is working and also to identify the correct pin.
#include#define SERVO_PIN 3 Servo myServo; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); myServo.attach(SERVO_PIN); } void loop() { if (Serial.available() > 0) { int angle = Serial.parseInt(); // Lee el ángulo del servo desde el puerto serial // Limita el ángulo dentro del rango válido angle = constrain(angle, 0, 180); // Mueve el servo al ángulo recibido myServo.write(angle); } }
After identifying that the servo is working, I include the code in the Processing to make it work through my mouse, here is the code
import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; // Objeto Serial para la comunicación con la placa XIAO RP2040 void setup() { size(400, 400); // Tamaño de la ventana de la interfaz myPort = new Serial(this, "COM6", 9600); // Inicializa la comunicación serial con el puerto donde está conectada la placa XIAO RP2040 } void draw() { // No necesitamos dibujar un fondo en cada fotograma para evitar que se borre la pantalla // Si dibujas el fondo aquí, todo lo que se dibuje en el siguiente frame lo ocultará } // Función que se ejecuta cuando se mueve el mouse void mouseMoved() { // Envía el ángulo del servo motor a la placa XIAO RP2040 int angle = 90; if (mouseX < width/3) { angle = 0; } else if (mouseX < 2*width/3) { angle = 90; } else { angle = 180; } myPort.write(angle + "\n"); // Añade un salto de línea al final del mensaje para que Arduino pueda leerlo correctamente }
Here's a video of how it works! I got a bit excited at the end because it did work :’)
Controlling the brightness of a Neopixel
To make the Neopixel work, I uploaded the code to ARDUINO that I need at the moment:
#include#define NEOPIXEL_PIN 3 #define NUM_PIXELS 16 // Ajusta esto al número de LEDs de tu Neopixel Adafruit_NeoPixel strip(NUM_PIXELS, NEOPIXEL_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); void setup() { strip.begin();; // Inicializa todos los LEDs a apagado Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if (Serial.available() > 0) { int brightness = Serial.parseInt(); // Lee el brillo desde el puerto serial brightness = constrain(brightness, 0, 255); // Limita el brillo dentro del rango válido for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) { strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(brightness, 0, 0)); // Rojo con brillo variable }; // Actualiza los LEDs delay(50); // Pequeña pausa para evitar problemas de comunicación } }
To make it work with Processing, I place this code:
import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; // Objeto Serial para la comunicación con la placa XIAO RP2040 int brightness = 0; // Brillo inicial del Neopixel void setup() { size(400, 200); // Tamaño de la ventana de la interfaz myPort = new Serial(this, "COM6", 9600); // } void draw() { background(255); // Fondo blanco // Dibuja un rectángulo que representa el brillo del Neopixel fill(255, 0, 0); // Color rojo para el rectángulo rect(50, 50, map(brightness, 0, 255, 0, 300), 100); } // Función que se ejecuta cuando se presiona el mouse void mousePressed() { // Calcula el brillo del Neopixel en función de la posición del mouse brightness = int(map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 255)); myPort.write(brightness + "\n"); // Envía el brillo al Arduino }
Here is a video of how it works! everything is great