
Final Project- A very useful tool

My Organization

First sketches

Sketches, main functions, operability, user, type of system, reactions, form.


Operability, operating ideas, component programming, operating modes, stability, aesthetic function


Physical tests of operation, power supplies, voltages, design improvements and aesthetics.


Regarding the category of the final project, it is aimed at complements for the home and environmental devices.

Leading a new category of final projects.

LINK TO "Applications and Implications"

Organization Of my Final Project
February First ideas and composition of the final project
March Component research, power supplies, behavioral idea, materials, mode of operation, form testing, etc.
April Milling of electronic board and soldering of components, first mechanical function tests, sound, distance and aesthetic function tests.
June Shape adjustment, electronic board, change of components, additional components, battery.
July Final documentation, last commit, preparation of speech, final project progress

First ideas and composition

Mosq comes from "Mosca" in Spanish, I added the "q" for the word "mosQuito"

What will it do?

I list the actions to be performed by the object:

1. Homemade device, scares away flies, does not kill them.

2. Scares away flies with sound and propeller movement.

3. It is connected directly to the power supply to work, it is also charged.

4. It can be hung, can be on a flat surface for its aesthetic design.

5. No wires and no annoying noises.

Description of Mosq

The first image my device will have is this one:

Much Needed

Reasons and why

The reasons are indicated in the following list:

1. In our laboratory at the Universidad Cientifica del Sur, there are many flies, it is because of the proximity of the Peruvian Riding Club.

2. They tend to stop in many places, contaminating our workplace.

3. They have spoiled 3D prints, accessing the printing bed, extruder and other parts of our printer.

4. No matter how much we have fumigated, the flies come back, it is essential to avoid fumigations that mostly spoil the rails of our machines.


3D printing, laser cutting, mold?

About the materiality, the body will be printed in wood PLA, and it will be light, so that with the load of interior motors it will not weigh so much, the rotating blades will also be in PLA of similar conditions but different color, it is foreseen to use white color or similar in a very thin layer of printing to achieve flexibility.

In the same way we will try to make the body in different materials, such as resin and laser cut in 4mm Plywood.

Electronic components

What exactly does it do and what will I use

What my machine will do exactly is to scare away flies within a radius of 2m from the position of the element, on the movements it will make:

1. Rotating blades movement: through a DC motor.

2. Speed control: According to the voltage, the speed will be controlled from the external faces of the device.

3. Interior sound control: It will contain a small interior speaker to emit inaudible noises to the human sense but annoying for the insects.

4. Power supply: It will have a rechargeable battery and also direct power supply from the body of the device, as well as an on/off switch.

Similar projects

External references

I found only one project in the 2020 Fab Academy that touches in a general way on the bug catcher theme:

Author: Amal Saidani

Fab Lab: Kamplintfort

Project: Smart trapview

Check the link here

Similar product on Amazon

Check the link here

2D & 3D model

Computer Aided Design

3D printing, laser cutting, mold?

Thanks to the change of my final project, I learned how to use fusion 360, it was hard work but finally I got a result quite close to what I didn't expect.

To explain a little about Fusion 360, we should consider that:

- It is very similar to Autocad with the 3D modeling function similar to Revit, to begin with, I leave you the download link of Fusion student version.


- I started by defining the measurements of my object using a sketch in Autocad 2D, and then taking into account the measures

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The problem with voids and extrusions in modeling

Starting to discover modeling tools, I realized that I needed to make empty solid shapes for the main shape of my project.

I needed to leave the thickness at least 2mm, so I was trying to make a hole in the shape but it didn't work, I needed to make a copy of my main shape and scale it and then cut it, but how do I do it?

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I started by making a copy of my shape, with the design of the two circles, the base of (15cm) and the top of (4cm) in copy and revolution, then I made the copy to the side and scaled it with the PUSH tool to be able to give it a distance less than what I have, considering its proportion to achieve the 2cm thickness of the walls of my object.

It was achieved, I select both and apply transform to give the CUT option, so that both shapes are subtracted, thus having my final shape

Voronoi and applications Part 1

The design that I want to implement for the faces of my project is a pattern of organic shapes that are dispersed with fairly small separation margins, the intention is not to completely fill the model with the texture, nor to overload it visually.

To do this, I apply and download the Voronoi Sketch plugin, leave the LINK for the download and a TUTORIAL to see the installation and use procedure.

Link 1

Link 2

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To begin, I make a rectangle or specific shape where the texture will be applied, always considering the exact area or perimeter for the plugin to read.

Voronoi and applications Part 2

After that, I select the plugin and click on the leaves icon, so that the application of the texture on the determined area is identified.

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By doing this and accepting, another window will open to determine the shape of the pattern, the separation and the margin to be applied, I clicked "load to fusion 360" and that's it!

Once I have the texture, I must verify that it is in front of the cone, right in front, so that I can read the application, once I have the texture selected I will go to the "EMBOSSING" tool to apply the texture on the face that select precisely with my cursor, I can modify the application depth and the mode and then accept.

Continue with the modeling of more parts

We continue with the modeling of the base, the propellers, the cord, the threads and, above all, the most fun part, the application of the material.

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From here follow the steps below:

1. To make the modeling of the buttons, base I made it from the sketch of raised circles, relying on the SOLEVATION tool.

2. Starting with the sketch for the base, I made the circle in extrusion and applied the thread in the upper part, considering to make it with a metric ISO profile type, size 95mm with M95x6 thread designation and right hand opening, having the following result.

3.For the bead and the head I made it through the PIPE tool, defining the diameter of the bead and through extrusions the shape of the head, to give it a curvature I used EMPALME, to give more smoothness to the shape.

Now with all this I can start to place materials.

Rendering and starting animation

To make the render, I start defining a surface and an interesting background for my proposal, I change the program style to RENDER and from here I set my camera (zoom and framing) to start with the rendering configuration:

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1. Select the CUSTOM style, so I can determine the image size, light exposure, quality and determine the time.

2. I give it accept to then wait in render on local for the total time.

3. I will be able to download the render in optimal quality and in png or jpg.

From here I am ready to continue with the animation.

Rendering and starting animation

To make the render, I start defining a surface and an interesting background for my proposal, I change the program style to RENDER and from here I set my camera (zoom and framing) to start with the rendering configuration:

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1. select the CUSTOM style, so I can determine the image size, light exposure, quality and determine the time.

2. I give it accept to then wait in render on local for the total time.

3. I will be able to download the render in optimal quality and in png or jpg.

From here I am ready to continue with the animation.

Animation and post-production

To start with the animation, I change the program style and start defining, what I want to move, how the movement will be, how long it will last.

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1. I select the two propellers and I give the tool TRANSFORM, then I select the DEFINE ROTATION POINT and select the center so that the rotation starts from there.

2. Once the rotation is defined and saved, with a click on the lower wheel, I start to rotate the two propellers from their base to achieve the rotation of -360°, it is worth mentioning that this is done from the definition of a frame in the timeline.

3. To define a frame I must do it with the command CT5RL + R, so that the movement is recorded and from that point the PLAY begins.

4. Once defined the movement I can export it to video to initiate the rendering and later postproduction, here the result, I helped myself with CLIMPCHAMP (I leave link of tutorial here)

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Logo design and visual identity

To make the logo, I used Illustrator, I also developed the logo in Inkscape, but against these two programs I am more comfortable working with Illustrator, here are some differences.

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1. Inskcape is very easy to use, intuitive, very similar to Corel Draw.

2. Inskcape allows me to easily determine the vertices but not to modify them, maybe I need a little practice to be able to use it.

3. With Illustrator I define better what I want to do, in terms of colors, shapes, editing, I have more experience.

4. I like to draw a lot with PEN, it is a very simple tool to use and it is also complete to do many things at the same time.

5. To start with my drawing, I previously worked on the silhouette of my typography and from it I develop the 2D model, I think in the future I will do vinyl cutting tests to look for the best way to get the best results.

Descripción de la imagen

Final Video


Electronic Production

For the electronic production, I started with the devices to be implemented, here an explanation.

To receive power: Jack port

For the switching on and off of the circuit: A 3-pin switch.

For the on/off signal: Diode Led

For the activation of the propellers: Potentiometer

For the movement of the blades: Jameco Reliapro 3.3V motor + TB6612FNG bridge driver.

For the low and imperceptible sound: Transistor and 8ohm

I will run these devices with the Xiao RP2040

Making Electronics

With this information I can now start designing my board, according to the Systems Integration week I developed for this example, my board will be circular with 5 smd header connectors, I am also including a 1004 resistor for the speaker and a 4990 for the LED, I will also add a capacitor between the Jack port and its connection to the 5V of the Xiao.

Here are the connections I will use for each of the input and output devices, so that it is a little clearer how they work.

TB6612FNG Driver

VCC : Connect to the 5V line of the power source.

VM : Connect to the 5V line of the power source.

GND : Connect to the ground line of the power source.

A01 and A02 : Connect to the motor terminals.

AIN1 : Connect to pin 0 on the Xiao RP2040.

AIN2 : Connect to pin 1 on the Xiao RP2040.

PWMA : Connect to pin 2 on the Xiao RP2040.

STBY : Connect to 5V.


Pin 1: Connect to 5V.

Pin 2 (center): Connect to pin A0 on the Xiao RP2040.

Pin 3: Connect to GND.


Positive pin: Connect to pin 3 on the Xiao RP2040.

Negative pin: Connect to GND.

5V Input Jack (3 pins)

Pin 1 (V+): Connect to the 5V line on the PCB.

Pin 2 (GND): Connect to the ground line on the PCB.

Pin 3 (Switch): Usually not used in this basic setup. Can be left unconnected or used for an indicator LED if preferred.

I placed 0.80mm wide tracks to VCC, 3V3 and GND.

0.4mm to Data and pins.

BOM and Schematic for MOSQ BOARD

Imagen 1 Imagen 2

Components Quantities Product Code
Jameco Reliapro Motor 3V/75MA 1 6ZK053-R
Potentiometer 1 987-1714-ND
LED diode 1 F013
Switch 1 F014
Jack Port 1 F015
Toshiba TB6612FNG Driver 1 TB6612FNG
5V Power Supply 1 5V
8-ohm Speaker 1 8-ohm
2N2222A Transistor 1 2N2222A
1k ohm resistor 1 1k ohm
4990 ohm resistor 1 4990 ohm
Xiao RP2040 1 RP2040
OTHER CONSUMABLES (wires, pin headers) 1 4302





Milling and soldering

Once the traces and the outline are done, I leave a picture below, we load the PNG file to MODS to make the milling cutter configuration, in this case I will use a 1/64" milling cutter for the paths and a 1/32" milling cutter for the outline.

Imagen 1 Imagen 2

Cutting the board

I milled the plate in the monoFab SRM-20

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Soldering the board

These are the components I used

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Here I am soldering my board.

Here I am doing continuity tests on my board.

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Here is a diagram of the components, the pins they used and how they should work.

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3D Printing

Outer cone printing

From here what I did was to export in two parts my model in Fusion 360, the first thing I printed was the outer shell in PLA wood finish, its printing temperature is xxx° and xxxx° of the plate. The import on the printing table was done in STL, I added tree-like supports and placed them in the openings of the cones, I calibrated the branches to a final dimension of 2mm to make them much quicker to remove.

The total printing time was 12 hours.

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Here is the screenshot of the lamination of the print, I did not make any other modifications except for the application of the supports and the 15% fill.

This is the result :

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For the inner cone

I chose for this model the white PLA filament, the intention is to create the contrast between the two pieces, this inner cone has 3 openings, the first at the top is to receive the head that will support the motor, the next is the opening for the potentiometer and the LED diode that will be located on the front face of the model, finally the opening at the bottom is to position the electronic board.

In addition, add in passing the printing of the base

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Here I made a test of both to verify that they could be placed on top of each other.


For the base

For the base I chose the beige filament, it has a perfect fit between the brown and white cone, a perfect fit.

This container will be used to store and preserve any homemade preparations we wish to use to supplement the fly control device.

I printed the base in other colours as well to create different combinations.

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For the wings

For the propellers the design was much simpler, the print has a final thickness of 0.7mm, also in white, and has a hole in the inside of the propellers to be added to the engine head.

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For the head

For the upper head, the print is developed with an opening in the base to fit into the brown cone, as well as space for positioning and fitting the jameco reliapro motor.

I printed the base in other colours as well to create different combinations.

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The Final Result

Electronic Design

This circuit is designed to control a Jameco motor using a Xiao RP2040 microcontroller, a TB6612FNG motor driver, a potentiometer, and a speaker. The goal is to control the speed of the motor using the potentiometer and produce a sound from the speaker. Additionally, a 3-pin 5V input jack is used to power the entire setup.

Getting the brain into shape

Components and Their Roles

Xiao RP2040: A microcontroller that executes the program to control the motor and speaker.

TB6612FNG Motor Driver: An H-bridge motor driver that controls the direction and speed of the motor.

Potentiometer: A variable resistor that provides an analog input to control the motor speed.

Speaker: Emits a sound based on the microcontroller's output.

5V Input Jack: Provides power to the circuit.

Jameco Motor: The motor being controlled.

Why the Circuit is Successful

Modular Design: Each component has a specific function and is integrated seamlessly.

Analog Control: The potentiometer provides a simple and effective way to vary the motor speed.

H-Bridge Driver: The TB6612FNG allows for precise control of motor direction and speed.

Microcontroller Flexibility: The Xiao RP2040 can easily handle the inputs from the potentiometer and control the motor driver and speaker.

Power Management: The 5V input jack ensures the circuit is powered adequately.

Logical Flow

Power Supply: The circuit is powered via the 5V input jack, ensuring all components receive appropriate power.

Analog Reading: The potentiometer’s position is read by the Xiao RP2040, converting it into a speed value for the motor.

Motor Control: The Xiao RP2040 sends signals to the TB6612FNG driver to control the motor’s speed and direction.

Audio Feedback: The microcontroller also controls the speaker to emit sounds as needed.

The Code

        #include Arduino.h

          #define MOTOR_A1 0
          #define MOTOR_A2 1
          #define MOTOR_PWM 2
          #define SPEAKER_PIN 3
          #define POT_PIN A0
          void setup() {
            pinMode(MOTOR_A1, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(MOTOR_A2, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(MOTOR_PWM, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(SPEAKER_PIN, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(POT_PIN, INPUT);
          void loop() {
            int potValue = analogRead(POT_PIN);
            int motorSpeed = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
            if (motorSpeed > 10) { // Threshold to ensure motor turns off at low values
              digitalWrite(MOTOR_A1, HIGH);
              digitalWrite(MOTOR_A2, LOW);
              analogWrite(MOTOR_PWM, motorSpeed);
            } else {
              digitalWrite(MOTOR_A1, LOW);
              digitalWrite(MOTOR_A2, LOW);
              analogWrite(MOTOR_PWM, 0);
            tone(SPEAKER_PIN, 1000, 100); // Emit sound for 100 ms

Code Explanation

1. Pin Definitions: The motor control pins, speaker pin, and potentiometer pin are defined for easy reference.

        #define MOTOR_A1 0
        #define MOTOR_A2 1
        #define MOTOR_PWM 2
        #define SPEAKER_PIN 3
        #define POT_PIN A0


2. Setup Function: Initializes the pins. The motor control pins and speaker pin are set as outputs, and the potentiometer pin is set as input.

        void setup() {
          pinMode(MOTOR_A1, OUTPUT);
          pinMode(MOTOR_A2, OUTPUT);
          pinMode(MOTOR_PWM, OUTPUT);
          pinMode(SPEAKER_PIN, OUTPUT);
          pinMode(POT_PIN, INPUT);

3. Loop Function: Continuously reads the potentiometer value, maps it to a motor speed value, and controls the motor and speaker accordingly.Setup Function: Initializes the pins. The motor control pins and speaker pin are set as outputs, and the potentiometer pin is set as input.

        void loop() {
        int potValue = analogRead(POT_PIN);
        int motorSpeed = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
        if (motorSpeed > 10) { // Threshold to ensure motor turns off at low values
          digitalWrite(MOTOR_A1, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(MOTOR_A2, LOW);
          analogWrite(MOTOR_PWM, motorSpeed);
        } else {
          digitalWrite(MOTOR_A1, LOW);
          digitalWrite(MOTOR_A2, LOW);
          analogWrite(MOTOR_PWM, 0);
        tone(SPEAKER_PIN, 1000, 100); // Emit sound for 100 ms


1. Analog Reading and Mapping: analogRead(POT_PIN) reads the potentiometer value, which ranges from 0 to 1023. map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255) converts this value to a range suitable for PWM control (0 to 255).

2. Motor Control: The motor is controlled by setting one direction pin high (MOTOR_A1) and the other low (MOTOR_A2). The speed is controlled using analogWrite(MOTOR_PWM, motorSpeed).

3. Threshold for Motor: A threshold ensures the motor turns off at very low potentiometer values to prevent it from stalling.

4. Sound Emission: The tone(SPEAKER_PIN, 1000, 100) function emits a 1000 Hz sound for 100 milliseconds.

Output and Input Devices

Adding devices!

First Step

Here are some tests of the circuit with their codes, first starting with the operation of the motor plus the driver, the ignition of the motor and its driver plus the potentiometer, the switch, the motor and its driver, the potentiometer with the speaker and finally the whole circuit together.







Here is a further breakdown of the testing of the codes on my devices.


          const int motorA1 = 9;
          const int motorA2 = 8;
          const int motorPWM = 10;

          void setup() {
          pinMode(motorA1, OUTPUT);
          pinMode(motorA2, OUTPUT);
          pinMode(motorPWM, OUTPUT);

          // Configuración inicial del motor
          digitalWrite(motorA1, LOW);
          digitalWrite(motorA2, LOW);
          analogWrite(motorPWM, 0);  // Asegúrate de que el motor esté apagado inicialmente

          void loop() {
          // Encender el motor a velocidad máxima
          digitalWrite(motorA1, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(motorA2, LOW);
          analogWrite(motorPWM, 255); // Motor a velocidad máxima


Here is a more detailed picture of the engine and its connections.

Descripción de la imagen

Here is the video with the test of the upper socket or head with the wings, connected to the engine ports.


        const int motorA1 = 9;
        const int motorA2 = 8;
        const int motorPWM = 10;
        const int potPin = A0; // Pin del potenciómetro
        const int switchPin = 7; // Pin del interruptor de balancín
        const int speakerPin = 6; // Pin del altavoz
        const int ledPin = 11; // Pin del LED
        const int ledResistor = 330; // Valor de resistencia para el LED
        void setup() {
          pinMode(motorA1, OUTPUT);
          pinMode(motorA2, OUTPUT);
          pinMode(motorPWM, OUTPUT);
          pinMode(potPin, INPUT);
          pinMode(switchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
          pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT);
          pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
        void loop() {
          // Leer el estado del interruptor de balancín
          int switchState = digitalRead(switchPin);
          // Si el interruptor está cerrado (en "ON")
          if (switchState == LOW) {
            // Lee el valor del potenciómetro
            int potValue = analogRead(potPin);
            // Convierte el valor leído (0-1023) a un valor de velocidad (0-255)
            int speed = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
            // Encender el motor en dirección hacia adelante
            digitalWrite(motorA1, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(motorA2, LOW);
            // Establecer la velocidad del motor
            analogWrite(motorPWM, speed);
            // Encender el altavoz
            digitalWrite(speakerPin, HIGH);
            // Encender el LED
            digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
          } else {
            // Si el interruptor está abierto, apagar el motor, el altavoz y el LED
            digitalWrite(motorA1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(motorA2, LOW);
            digitalWrite(motorPWM, LOW);
            digitalWrite(speakerPin, LOW);
            digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

Here is a more detailed image of the SPEAKER and its connections, remember that the Speaker is connected to the Transistor and this according to its 3 components will operate the speaker, the imperceptible sound that I uploaded is one of low level, known as INFRASOUNDS, is less than a frequency of 20 hertz, that is to scare away insects and rodents, it is caused by the lower volume of the speaker and I achieved it using the same prederterminado sound that gives me the arduino, I leave the video and the code

Descripción de la imagen


        #include Arduino.h

          #define MOTOR_A1 0
          #define MOTOR_A2 1
          #define MOTOR_PWM 2
          #define SPEAKER_PIN 3
          #define POT_PIN A0
          void setup() {
            pinMode(MOTOR_A1, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(MOTOR_A2, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(MOTOR_PWM, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(SPEAKER_PIN, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(POT_PIN, INPUT);
          void loop() {
            int potValue = analogRead(POT_PIN);
            int motorSpeed = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
            if (motorSpeed > 10) { // Threshold to ensure motor turns off at low values
              digitalWrite(MOTOR_A1, HIGH);
              digitalWrite(MOTOR_A2, LOW);
              analogWrite(MOTOR_PWM, motorSpeed);
            } else {
              digitalWrite(MOTOR_A1, LOW);
              digitalWrite(MOTOR_A2, LOW);
              analogWrite(MOTOR_PWM, 0);
            tone(SPEAKER_PIN, 1000, 100); // Emit sound for 100 ms

Only in the final part I left the switch with the intention of making the whole circuit work, here it is important to indicate that with the code placed and loaded in the XIAO RP2040 I can not leave the SWITCH connected because it will go on the outside of my model and is the one that turns on the whole project, so I had to disconnect and ASSEMBLE it at the end and then connect it to the header connectors that I left on my board, here I leave a video of its operation and assembly.

The model is working

Here is a video of the final operation, where we can better appreciate the operation of the potentiometer.

System Integration

Here I explain you a little more in detail how I integrated the circuits in my project, also how the final circuit works, I include some detailed pictures of the final finish of all the components integrated to the project, you will see some pictures of the inside and the connections!

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In the case of the front view of the project, we can see the potentiometer knob that has changed to white (previously grey), in order to make it larger and to better adapt the movement, as well as the white LED that protrudes very little to indicate the switching on of the circuit.

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We can see in detail the integration of the motor in the upper part, for this the head has an opening where the 14mm jameco reliapro motor is fitted and above this is a smaller rotating head together with the wings that have an opening, these wings are 0.7mm thick, not resulting in a considerable weight for the operation of the motor.

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From here a closer view of the jack port together with the switch that turns on the whole circuit, you can see that the cable is not uncomfortable at all as the detachable base has an opening for the cable to pass through without restriction, also the switch button is fixed on the back of the cone.

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Here you can see all the electronics inside the cone, covered and only the jack port is exposed on one side, so that the interaction with the electronics is interrupted to avoid direct manipulation.

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You have a closer image of my board integrated in its base, the wires inside the white cone and the detail of the gluing of the potentiometer with its external lock and the fixed position of the LED so that it is the only thing that does not move in the project.

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I’m leaving this explanatory image, which I also included in week 16, to show how I am gradually integrating my circuit into the printed body. Additionally, I want to mention that in week 16, the plan was to create two shelves: one for the Jameco motor and another for the electronic board. However, this was not necessary because my board is attached to the cone's lid, making the shelf unnecessary. Similarly, to support the Jameco motor, the embedded head in the body itself serves this purpose, so the shelf for the motor was also unnecessary. I feel these changes are improvements aimed at providing greater cleanliness in the project.

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From here, you can watch a video of the assembly after the board has been positioned in the project's body.

Laser Cutting

I also made the design of the box that will house the product, I designed it in Autocad, I leave the file here.


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Once I have the design I cut it on the Rayjet R500, here is a video of it:

Final Assembly

For the final assembly I have the parts ready and start the assembly.

Here is a video of the assembly

Final Presentation

All the finished project and some final photos and also the video.

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I received the support of the extraordinary Manuel Gutierrez, a very good Film Maker friend! He helped me a lot with the photographs and the concept of the video. Thanks Manu

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Here is my final slide

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Here is my final video

The Files














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Lima, Perú
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