3D Scanning and Printing

The assignments for this week:

Group assignment:

Test the design rules for your 3D printer(s)

About 3D printing

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced cross-section of the object. 3D printing is the opposite of subtractive manufacturing which is cutting out / hollowing out a block of material with for instance a milling machine. 3D printing enables you to produce complex shapes using less material than traditional manufacturing methods.

Additive Manufacturing Methods

Types of 3D printing technologies

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM):
FDM is one of the most common 3D printing technologies. It works by extruding thermoplastic filament through a heated nozzle onto a build platform layer by layer. The material is deposited in a precise pattern, solidifying as it cools to create the desired object. FDM is known for its versatility, ease of use, and affordability. It's suitable for a wide range of applications, including prototyping, functional parts, and hobbyist projects.

Stereolithography (SLA):
SLA is a resin-based 3D printing technology. It uses a vat of liquid photopolymer resin cured by a UV laser or light source. The UV light selectively solidifies the resin layer by layer, building up the object upside-down on a build platform. SLA produces highly detailed, smooth, and accurate prints with fine features and intricate geometries. It's commonly used for high-resolution prototypes, jewelry, dental models, and miniatures.

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS):
SLS is a powder-based 3D printing technology. It uses a high-power laser to selectively fuse powdered material (usually nylon or other thermoplastics) layer by layer. The build platform lowers after each layer, and fresh powder is spread over the previous layer. SLS does not require support structures since the unsintered powder acts as a self-supporting material. It produces strong, durable, and functional parts with excellent mechanical properties. SLS is used for producing end-use parts, complex geometries, and objects requiring high strength and heat resistance.

Advantages of 3D printing

  • One of the most significant advantages of 3D printing is the ability to create highly customized products. Each item can be tailored to meet specific requirements, allowing for personalized designs and functionalities.
  • 3D printing enables rapid prototyping, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with traditional prototyping methods. This allows for quicker iterations and refinement of designs before mass production.
  • Traditional manufacturing methods often struggle with complex geometries, whereas 3D printing excels in this area. It can produce intricate shapes and structures that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with other manufacturing techniques.
  • Unlike subtractive manufacturing processes where excess material is cut away, 3D printing adds material layer by layer, resulting in minimal waste. This is environmentally friendly and can lead to cost savings in material usage.
  • With 3D printing, products can be manufactured on-demand, eliminating the need for large inventories and reducing storage costs.
  • Limitations 3d printing:

  • While the range of available materials for 3D printing has been expanding, it still lags behind traditional manufacturing methods in terms of material variety and properties. Certain materials may not be suitable for 3D printing, limiting the types of products that can be produced.
  • Depending on the printing technology used, 3D-printed parts may have visible layer lines and rough surface finishes. Achieving smooth surfaces and high resolution often requires additional post-processing steps, which can add time and cost to the manufacturing process.
  • 3D printing can be relatively slow compared to traditional manufacturing methods, especially for large or complex parts. While advancements have been made to improve printing speed, it may still not be suitable for high-volume production or time-sensitive projects.
  • Ensuring consistent quality and reliability in 3D-printed parts can be challenging, particularly when using different machines or materials. Variations in print settings, environmental conditions, and material properties can affect the final outcome, requiring careful monitoring and quality control measures.
  • Most desktop 3D printers have limited build volumes, restricting the size of objects that can be produced in a single print. Larger objects may need to be printed in multiple parts and assembled afterward, which can introduce additional complexities and potential points of failure.
  • The Orginal Prusa i3 MK3

    The Original Prusa i3 MK3 is a 3D printer manufactured by Prusa Research, a Czech company founded by Josef Prusa. The MK3 offers excellent print quality, capable of producing highly detailed and accurate prints thanks to its precision engineering and high-quality components. Some of its key features are as follows: