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Final Project Proposal

Current Idea Sketch

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At my high school, physical fitness and general health are aspects of a student that are given utmost priority. The lifestyle is very active; the campus almost seems as though it was designed to make the students walk as much as possible to commute through classes.

However, another feature that the school has is morning physical. The students engage in about 30 minutes of a physical routine (including runs, calisthenics, yoga, aerobics, and workouts) to start the day on an energetic note. However, like the name implies, it happens in the morning, quite early (emphasis on the early).

Taking the hectic student schedule and all the school extracurriculars into consideration, it isn’t much of a surprise that morning physical attendance is an issue. This issue is something that I had in mind (considering my grade is going to be leading the activities for this year), and when I heard that the students were going to get personal “cards” this year, something clicked.

So my final project idea for this year is TRACK (The Royal Academy Card Keeper). TRACK helps the attendance system for the morning physical sessions. The prototype is a machine that allows a student to bring their card to attendance, swipe their personal student card in, go through with their routine, and then swipe out when their session is over. This information is sent to a database (something like Excel sheets), where a proper attendance record can be created.

Basic Flowchat

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1. What does it do?

  • TRACK (The Royal Academy Card Keeper) is basically a project that’s aimed at managing the attendance at my school. For now, the main idea is to use the student cards to log stuff (especially morning physical attendance), however, I plan on making more changes and making the project more versatile.

2. Who’s done what beforehand?

  • Going through past students’ documentations, here’s a list of projects that I find quite similar/useful to mine.

3. What did you design?

So far, I’ve finished designing my prototype, and final project board.

4. What materials and components were used?

  • Components
    • RFID Card Reader and Cards (RC522 RFID Card Reader 13.56MHz)
    • Display Interface (OLED SSD1306 Module)
    • Microcontroller (Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3)
    • Power Supply (Power Bank)
    • Power Supply Unit (USB Power Adapter)
    • Software Development Tools (Arduino IDE)
    • Resistors
    • Capacitors
    • LEDs
  • Materials

    • Copper Plate

5. Where did they come from?


6. How much did they cost?

| No. | item | cost(USD)| | 1 | RFID | $ |

No. item cost (USD)
1 RC522 RFID Card Reader 13.56MHz $

7. What parts and systems were made?


8. What processes were used?


9. What questions were answered?


10. What worked? What didn’t?


11. How was it evaluated?


12. What are the implications?


*This website was created using a template provided by Mr. Anith Ghalley and was used with his permission.

Last update: June 28, 2024