16. Applications and Implications

This week's assignment is to elaborate and flesh out details of our final project from the processes and components it will use and their associated costs to prior work on similar types of projects and what our project adds (if anything) or how it differs.

I've decided to do 2 final projects because they are two fields I had wanted to explore for different reasons and I couldn't decide on just one. In no particular order...

Project 1: Pottery Wheel

What will it do?

Recently I've taken a dive into pottery and have been inspired to build my own for a relatively cheap price while also making it a very repeatable process. At a bare minimum the pottery wheel should:

Who's done what before?

Many many people have made a pottery wheel before. My first version isn't really about uniqueness but more for personal use and something I can build on and add interesting features in the future.

What will you design?

For this project I will be designing a few different components using Rhino/Grasshopper.

What materials and components will be used?

What processes will be used?

What questions need to be answered?

Main open questions are still if I can get a well-fitted bearing/shaft combination in time or if I will go with the current threaded solution. Second open question is if I can find a foot pedal solution. And secondarily I will need to see if printing the splash pan in parts will work and what the attachment mechanism will be for connecting the two halves.

Project 2: Portable Game Console

My other project stems from some work in week 8, week 13, and week 14 and I figured I'd continue it.

What will it do?

V0 should include:

V1 should include

V2+ could include

Who's done what beforehand?

Everything I'd like to do has been done before until V2+ where there may be something new with the analog AI feature and allowing additional peripherals.

What will you design?

What materials and components will be used?

What processes will be used?

What questions need to be answered?

Open questions are if I can get a bigger and better screen with more data lines in time to for the deadline. This may also dictate whether or not the game is in color or not. Another open question is I have time to program a second game before the deadline.