11. Machine Design

Abdulaziz Abdulaziz
Daniel Collins
Dara Yanoff
Wyatt Goldsmith

Goals for the week:11

  • Actuate and Automate your machine
  • Document on Group page and individual contributions on individual site

  • We started with the idea of a chicken on the jaw of a lion’s head that lowers to reveal the chicken to mark the hour and a clock on the bottom that would light up when the time changes with Leds as the lights. We went with this design for most of the two weeks, before shifting to a laser cut birdhouse last minute due to the long print time going over the deadline.

    In this design a clock was made in Adobe Illustrator by Wyatt. He did the design by finding the diameter of the outer circle for the clock which is 6 inches. He then made numbers in a circular motion inside of the outer circle. Then inside and near the numbers there were gonna be smaller circular circles to be laser cutted onto the clock. Each of the small circles has a diameter of 4.8 millimeters.

    We ended up making a house shaped clock with a lion engraved ont the base of it and a chicken come out on a timer.The clock will also have the name of Fab Academy and the date of the year were in.

    The design was made in Adobe Illustrator by creating the circular clock with the shape tool.The circle was made from the diameter of the inner shape. Then the text tool made the numbers on the clock was used.

    As the design file was completed in Adobe Illustrator we transferred the file to another computer connected to the laser cutter. We set the speed to 15, the power to 100, and the frequency to 10.

    After setting the speed,power, and frequency we set up the laser printer for cutting the design and engraving.As its made we turned on the power to the laser cutter and the exhuast tube. We did this by using the jog and force tool on the settings next to the opening. Then we put the material in the machine.

    We then made

    The model of the chicken had beeen worked on from blender.

    After designing the bird in blender we used a sharper to color in the beak and the eyes.