Project Development

This week shows the progress of my final project

What tasks have been completed?

  • 1. 3D Desing of the cover where all boards and othe devices will be integrated have been completed and printed. The designs have been done using solidworks
  • 2. Electronic design and production have been completed I used the ESP32 as I will need to send the data online.The PCB design has been done using Kicad
  • 3. Programming also has completed

what tasks remain?

As I'm on the stage of testing the whole project, the remaining task is to integrate(Assembling) all boards and wiring them into the cover. So far I'm using the jumpers.

What is working? what is not?

The programming is working however I had to change and send the email by IFTTT because sofar I'm not able to receive email notification when the condition is satisfied.
What questions need to be resolved?

After assembling all my components, I need to answer these questions: - My board will work? I need to check the datasheet of the ESP32 to avoid this kind of problem - Can I send the email correctly? - Are my parts fit well? - Are the moisture value change in different samples of soil?

All these questions I need to answer during the next week.

What will happen when?

It is quite difficult to plan a development timeline because it is heavily influenced by the availability of cash or sponsorships. The first deadline will be the local evaluation in June because no one will upload any documentation after this date. The second deadline is the end of June.

What I have learned

I learned a lot during this time, both professionally and personally. The Fab Academy is a great experience that I would recommend to others. The program not only gives us technical skills and knowledge but also it allows us to develop our soft skills because every week we have to face different challenges and we have to move on and continue.

Project Plan

Image shows the project plan with time management techniques from begining to the end. Between this end plan and presentation date, it will be practice and refine where by Seeking feedback from peers, instructor, or experts and refine based on their input.