About me

Hi!, I’m Felix Nyirigira,Welcome to my short bio!!!!

I was born and raised in Kigali, Rwanda.I work for Rwanda Information Society Authority(RISA) as FabLaB/MakerSpace Senior Engineer previously I have been working in Rwanda Polytechnic as Senior Instructor and Assistant Lecturer in Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering .

About my education background, I have a Bachelor's degree of Information Technology as well as an advanced diploma of Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Specialization of Electronics and Telecommunication) .

I have always wanted to shape my engeering knowledge and skills hoping to help me to solve problems by creating innovative solutions in all fields and I have the desire to play a significant role in the advancement of digital fabrication and I'm sure that with Fab Academy my dreams are becoming true.
I'm passionate to be a FabLab Engineer as of now I'm doing Fab Academy. I hope that with Fab Academy, I will gain the required knowledge and skills that will shape me to be a good engineer that will initiate the solutions of different problems that society is having now through innovations.