10. Mechanical design, machine design

In this week we design a machine as a team, this must include mechanisms, actuators and actuation. Documentation can be found on the lab page and on our individual pages each of us posted their part of the work.

To begin we agreed on a "Zoom" session to think about a proposal for a machine, we decided to make a machine that would throw sawdust on the floor, with certain specific designs in "G Code".

In Mexico it is customary to make "sawdust mats" which are drawings made with painted sawdust, for certain festivities, one of these festivities is the "Día de Muertos" which is celebrated by making an "Ofrenda" to our loved ones who have died, in this offering usually includes the use of "Tapetes de aserrín o cempasúchil" to make a path and guide our relatives from the entrance of the house to the offering that is inside.

Full page website


We had several challenges, one of them was the dosage of the sawdust, I modeled and proposed a cone to contain and dose the sawdust, I modeled it in the SolidWorks software, in this piece I included a space for the motor that was going to generate vibration and so the sawdust would fall.

I divided the piece into two parts to test different mouthpieces, in case my first test failed. I started by making a conical part with the “revolve” tool.

The part of the rope, I did it with the "spiral" tool and the "Rail to a profile" tool of solid works.

I also added some propellers in the inner part of the cone so that the vibration was better distributed, I got these propellers with the "rail" tool again.

3d print

For the prints, use the filament printers (PLA) in this case 3D WOX 1 with the same software from the provider.

Second piece.

This piece was the second part of the cone, its function was to have better visibility and to be able to close the cone. I made it in the shape of "bread of the dead" for the festivities. I printed this piece with the support of my colleague Alberto Blanco on the "Ultimaker Cura" 3D printer in filament (PLA).


As a post-processing process, remove the support from the pieces and verify that the assembly was done in the correct way :).


Together with my partner Favell we tested the vibration option in the dispenser or cone. What turned out was that the vibration was not enough.


Again together with Favell, we chose to replace the vibration with a tapping, for the new proposal, I changed the design of the piece to contain a larger element.


To join the dispenser with the machine, I made a laser cut 8mm MDF base.



To make a first drawing, I made a very simple spiral in Illustrator software, then I imported it as an image and used MOODS to convert the image into a G-coded path.


And for the end, in collaboration help in the assembly of the machine.

In these weeks, the difficult thing was that we were at a long distance, remote work and communication was not so fluid. But I really liked working with this team.

Contact me

dimaricruzchavez Linkedin