About me

So this is me. I'm working at the University of Oulu, and in a project that teaches
basic digital manufacturing skills to small groups. We aim to empower the participants,
give them tools and skills to fabrication and competence that might be
useful when applying for a job or an education.
When I'm not at work, I can be found treating myself with kickboxing, gym,
cross-country skiing or anywhere in the nature. I love to challenge myself, and this is how we get to..
As soon as I got into a maker space for the first time, I understood the beauty of it.
You learn by doing, and it's actually the journey that is the most meaninful part.
Sometimes you might fail but when you finally succeed, oh man..nothing quite like it.
So when I heard about the Fab Academy, I knew instantly that I had to go for it.
I've been told by many that it will be hard..but I'm sure it's worth it.
And this life is for living! I can't wait.